It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Friday, March 7, 2014


Another Week...Another WOD!!!

14.2 ~ Ascending Reps and BONUS Rounds
For Total Reps:
OHS (95#/65#)
C2B Pull Ups
Begin every 3 minutes (2 Rnds MUST be completed w/in the 3 minute cap & you cannot begin next 2 Rnds UNTIL the 3 Minutes is up):
2 Rnds of 10 Reps each(0-3min)
2 Rnds of 12 Reps each(3-6min)
2 Rnds of 14 Reps each(6-9min)
2 Rnds of 16 Reps each(9-12min)...
Continue until you cannot complete the 2 Rnds

Bertag ~
Feidt ~
Val ~ 32 Reps
tb ~ 137 Reps

Retest on Sunday or Monday AM!!!

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