It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

11th Annual...

12 Days of Christmas WOD...HISTORY
This is the 11th year of this gang!!!
WE are better...!
...for this!

Last year we had a challenge with Rib Lake...this year...
Appleton East & West DePere Crossfit joined in the fun!

The workout is performed like the song...
And the number corresponds with the reps of the exercise...
HERE is the good looking version...

12 Days of Christmas
1 ~ Lap
2 ~ Wall Crawls
3 ~ Pull Ups
4 ~ Push Jerk/Press*
5 ~ Front Squats*
6 ~ Deadlifts*
7 ~ Burpee Box Jump-Overs
8 ~ TTB / Pike Sit Ups
9 ~ Double Unders (27 Singles)
10 ~ OH Plate Walking Lunge Steps (45/25)
11 ~ Wall Balls
12 ~ (Wo)Manmakers (35/20 .  20/5)


POST Workout
Many of these were done modified as the individuals needed...We did not really record modified vs. Rx on the score sheets... This workout is about much more than the time that is listed! It is included here for historical and individual purposes...NOT for comparison purposes!!!
If you are someone that needs to compare scores...the CrossFit Open is coming up in February. Get involved and do is fun and good to compete and work your hardest. It is even more fun to win, BUT we headed into this workout with these thoughts:
~ Show up and DO the Work!
~ Abandon Your Ego
~ Nobody Cares what your Time was...
~ Everybody Cares if you Cheated

That said...This was by far, our biggest crew to date... What a great time and SUPER efforts given all around!!!

Kevin Ren ~ 55:58
Dustin Rickaby ~ 40:11
Carson Juneman ~ 47:50
Tanner Gormanson ~ 76:30
Dawson Jenkin ~ 53:30
Garrett Juneman ~ 51:02
Landyn Freeman ~ 39:43
Ben Weidman ~ 48:25
Carter Freeman ~ 43:49
Ethan Freeman ~ 43:45
Jack Blokhuis ~ 60:35
Oliver Nieman ~ 60:06
Caden Sengbush ~ 63:20
Chue Fue Khang ~ 59:56
Mason Tritz ~ 62:03
Justing Tritz ~ 36:32
Aspen Tritz ~ 43:29
Troy Freeman ~ 49:00
Jackson Freeman ~ 48:30
Johnny Pyburn ~ 44:30
Shawn Brehm ~ 39:42
Kenzi Weidman ~ 46:33
Drake Biolo ~ 50:09
Ryan Blokhuis ~ 61:32
Nathan Frost ~ 58:42
Myles Sawyer ~ 58:44
Lilly Higdon ~ 58:41
Kayla Moranchel-Sweet ~ 75:30
Kailar Tritz ~ 42:45
Elise Moon 47:50
Lucas Bean ~ 45:15
Will Weidan ~ 43:46
Hannah Felker ~ 56:15
aroline Narel ~ 56:30
Logan Felker ~ 47:50
Cort Halbur ~ 41:44
Trevor Fiegel ~
Val Tonn ~ 58:36
Ethan Tonn ~ 51:40
John Schmitt ~
Walker Schmitt ~ 48:28
Wyatt Schmitt ~ 44:30
Sam Varsho ~ 52:30
Jadon Bishop ~ 52:42
Carson Derringer ~ 50:57
Steph Derringer ~ 56:57
Jed Felker ~ 58:08
Zach Wendt ~ 66:52 (sick as a dog)
tb ~ 50:17

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