With much anticipation...here comes 13.4!
A familiar rep scheme (3-6-9-12...ascending)
and at least one exercise that was anticipated (T2B)!
This rep scheme is what the FINAL WOD of the OPEN has utilized the past two years!
Difference is that the final WOD has been the FRAN (thruster/pull up) variation...
So...with 13.4...we see the couplet of Clean & Jerk and Toes-to-Bar for a quick 7 minutes.
Complete as many reps as possible in 7 Min of the following Rep Scheme:
3 C & J (135#/95#)'
3 T2B
6 C & J
6 T2B
9 C & J
9 T2B
12, 12
15, 15
18, 18
21, 21 .. etc
Val ~ 12 + 5 C&J (65 Reps)
Britt ~ 9 + 11 T2B (59 Reps)
Syd ~ 12 + 9 C&J (69 Reps)
Daliege ~ 95# - 9 + 6 C&J (42 Reps)
tb ~ 12 + 8 T2B (83 Reps)
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