It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Monday, June 8, 2015

A few WOD's

Last Friday morning (before leaving for State T&F)

10x2 Halting Clean Pull (complete pause at knees before 2nd pull)

20 RM Push Press (NOT Push Jerks)

Valtrex (comptrain style)
4 RFT ~
21 Pull Ups
15' HS Walk
9 Deadlift (255#/175#)

Valtrex (CFNE Style Modified by Val & E)
21 Pull Ups (Mod to HR Push Ups)
15 Box Jump Overs
9 DL

Val ~ 15:13 (Push Ups/Box Jumps)
Ethan ~ ?? / 135# / 11:55 (Push Ups/Box Jumps)
Oz ~ ?? / 115# / 11:25 (Box Jumps)
Witt ~ 17:46 (Box Jumps)
Daliege ~ 95# / 15:35 (Box Jumps)
tb ~ 135# / 18:31 (comptrain)

Saturday AM...down by the Mississippi River in La Crosse
400m Run...50 Burpees

Indian & Eagle
3 Minute Run
3 Minute Max HR Push Ups
3 Minute Run
3 Minute Max Lungewalks
3 Minute Run
3 Minutes Max Air Squats
3 Minute Run

Practice some HS Walks in the grass

Monday 6.8.15
1) With a 16 Minute Continuous Clock
A) EMOM x 14:
odd = Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + Squat Snatch
even = 30' HS Walk (Mod. to 10')
B) With remaining time get to 5 RM Front Squat

2) With a 16 Minute Continuous Clock
A) EMOM x 14:
odd = 3 T-n-G Power Clean + 3 Front Squats
even = 3 Muscle Ups
B) With remaining time get to 5 RM Front Squat

3) Escape from Wonderland (Last was HERE)
3 RFT ~
75 D/U
50 Air Squats
25 Cal Row

Val ~ Escape ~ 16:29
1A) 135# @ 1-3-5-7, 155# @ 9-11-13 / 10' HS Walks completed
1B) 255# x 3 (Failed for 5)
2A) 185# all / 3 UB MU everytime
2B) 235# x 5 REPS!
3) Escape ~ 14:02

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