It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

12 Days...

ONE of the staples of ANYthing Once is the 12 Days of Christmas WOD!
This year was our 8th Year running... Hard to believe we started this thing waaaayyyy back in '08.
Probably did one in '07, but it was not we will go with what we know...

Before 12 Days ~ 2015!
12 Days of Christmas WOD (a few variations)
(to be performed like the 12 Days song is sung...there are 12 rounds, each adding on to each other)

Rx Version
1-Sqt Snatch (135/95)
2-Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)
3-Push Press (135/95)
5-Hang Pwr Cleans (135/95)
6-HR Push Ups
7-Deadlift (135/95)
8-GHD Sit Ups
9-KB Swings (70/55)
10-Lunge Steps (10 EACH side)
11-Wall Balls (20/14)
12-Cal Row (or 12oz. Egg Nog)

Beginner/Kid/Bodywt Version
1-Running Lap
2-Plate Push (25)
3-HR Push Ups
4-Air Squats (w/ wts if you like)
5-Box Jump Overs
6-Sit Ups
7-DB Push Press (20/15)
8-Wall Walk
9-4-ct Flutterkick
10-Lunge Steps (10 EACH side)
11-Plate Swings (25/10)
12-Stair Ascents (turned into 6 stair laps / 6up+6down = 12)

Pregnant Version
1-Stair Lap
2-Box Jump (20)
3-Pull Ups
4-Push Press (45)
5-High Hang Clean (45)
6-Dips (mod)
7-Sit Ups ???
8-SDLHP (45)
10-Lunge Steps (10 EACH side)
11-Inverted Row
12-Cal Row

Libby ~ 26:47 (65)
Elle ~ 28:24 (55)
Mal ~ 26:47 (65)
Haley (w/ Grace) ~ 39:24 (65)
Wood ~ Completed
Lil Wendt ~ 34:40 (95)
Diego ~ (95)
Klata ~ (95)
Fota ~ 34:10 (95)
Ethan ~ (95 + extra / and they worked it this way 1- 1,2- 1,2,3)
Daliege ~ (95 + extra / and they worked it this way 1- 1,2- 1,2,3)
Syd ~ 32:10
Wendt ~ 30:58
Bishop ~ 32:18
Drake ~ 
Krommy ~ 34:14
Feidt ~ 33:10 (135/30"BJ)
tb ~ 38:48 (155#/30"BJ/30#wb)

Carson D ~ 50:00
Lil Dalaige ~ ??
Steph D ~ 60:26
Joni F ~ 60:26
Rachel ~ 60:26
JB ~ ?? (plus he did all 12 Stair Laps @ end...STUD!)

Val ~ 44:33
AFTER 12 Days ~ 2015

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