It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Warm Up

Warm-Up Exercises to Work-On
Turkish Get-Ups (15-25 each arm)
Bridging (push up type / holds)
Pull Ups (Strict w/ wts - C2B or higher)
Leg Blaster*
Partner Pulls (banded Runs 20-50m)
L-Sits & Progressions
Sotts Press
Superman Push Ups
High-Hang Cleans/Snatch (get under bar)
Wall Squats (form)
Paleo Chair
GHD Sit Ups
Glute-Ham Ext.
Frog Complex (Sqt Clean Thruster to Back Sqt Thruster)
Handstand Push Ups (all types)
Handstand Walk
Handstand Shoulder Touches
Wall Crawl

CFNE Warm-Up
2-3 Rounds not for time of:
200m Run or Row
15 GHD Sit Ups
15 Hip Extensions
10 Strict Pull ups
10 Push ups or Strict Ring Dips
10 Reverse Lunge Reach (alternating Samson Stretch)
10 PVC Pass Throughs
10 PVC OHS or Wall Facing Squats
10 Band Pull Aparts

SmashweRx Warm-Up
10 Spidey & Reach
10 Side Plank Reach Thrus
10 Downward Dog Toe Slaps
10 Kneeling Thoracic Rotations
10 Tempo Air Squats

20 Air Squats
20 Standing Lunges
20 Jumping Split Lunges
10 Jumping Air Squats

20-30 Side Plank on Elbow – Reach through & back (squeeze the scapula)
15 sec. Hands & Knees (Jane Fonda Pos.) Abs tight, pulled in (do not compress lumbar)
15 Scapula Push Ups
5 x T’s (thumbs up) squeeze and hold for 5sec
5 x W’s (pinkies to sky) squeeze and hold for 5 sec

6 Walking Lunges 
6 Steps of Duckwalk
6 Alternate Mountain Climbers/Groiners
REPEAT 2-3 times...

"HAM" Mobility Drill
5 Lunges in Place (same Leg)
Instep Stretch (Groiner)
Hip Drop
10 Steps of Duckwalk
REPEAT w/ Opposite Leg

Sidewinder Rt. Side
Lunge w/ Rt. Foot Forward
Prisoner Stretch
Repeat w/ Left Leg

On All Fours:
3 Hip Circles Forward & Backward w/ Right Leg
3 Mountain Climbers (Foot to the stretch)
3 Hip Circles Forward & Backward w/ Left Leg
REPEAT as needed...

w/ oscilating (knee out) foot down
Belly Button into ankle (knee out)
Belly Button to knee (out)
Belly Button away w/ hand on knee (push out) oscilating
BACK UP – shin past vertical
Belly Button to foot (oscilating)
Belly Button to knee
Belly Button out (hand on knee)
DISMOUNT … Relax … Other side!

2-3 Rnds:
4 Muscle Ups
12 C2B Pull Ups
16 Alt. Pistols
40 D/U
2 Min Mobility/Flexibility b/t sets

#1) Top to Bottom Stretches/Mobility
#2) 2-3 Rnds of:
10-15 Reps each:
Push Ups
Pull Ups
Air Squats
Shoulder Press
GHD Sit Ups (T2B / K2E / Pike SU)
Back Extension (Reverse Hypers)

All Credit goes to:
Crossfit HQ (
Ben Bergeron (
Kelly Starrett (
Mountain Athlete Strength & Conditioning