It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


For any postings you do to social media (ie. twitter, instagram, etc) use the hashtag (#) AOWR
Which would stand for AnythingOnceWR (WR=wisconsin rapids)...rather than waste all those letters we can get by with 5 spaces...#AOWR

I know everyone is not from WR (wisconsin rapids), nor does everyone do an event IN WR, but WR is "HOME" to ANYthingOnce...maybe ORIGIN of ANYthingOnce is a better way of defining it! Whatever...

Summer is a time when we tend to get separated a bit more...We have chances of DOING more...Events, WOD's, Cookouts, etc... But the day-to-day routine is out the window in the summertime! Classes, Kids Events, Camping, Vacation (WHAT?!)...All these things keep us occupied at various times throughout the summer...AS WELL THEY SHOULD!

Oz commented yesterday that he misses the group and the facility! Agreed... It is just not the same w/o the crew...BUT, it is summer...We make due...This is our connection, well...this and texting and social media... is a read on community!

THUS...#AOWR...get on twitter and check it your burpees...what you tried, time you did it in, etc...

Leg Blaster
20 Pull Ups
20 Push Ups
20 Push Press (45/35)
20 Upright Row (45/35)
Leg Blaster

For Time:
100 D/U
10 KB Swings (55/35)
75 D/U
20 KBS
50 D/U
30 KBS
25 D/U
40 KBS

Then...2 Mile Run...or Sealgrinder PT

Feidt ~ 15:25
Syd ~ 20:36
Hepp ~ 22:00
tb ~ 11:31

These guys did Yesterday's WOD:
Kate ~ 20:00 (@25#)
Britt ~ 20:13 (30/35 alternating sets)
SimO ~ 20:13 (30/35 alternating sets)


  1. "Rest" day for me- my brain is growing and we all know that sometimes during growth stages there is a purpose for rest... but the DU/KBS are calling my name tomorrow. We did 100 burpees to blurred lines and #beautiful = done.

    Anyone under the impression oZ is just sweating all day long thinking about what he can do next- Awesome stuff there folks.
