What does this mean for you?
What do you think about when you hear Y.O.L.O.
It has been glorified by some athletes & on the web...
Some have taken this as a call to DO anything (really)
Dangerous / Risk to your life or not...
Not sure that is the best way to take this...
BUT it can mean that some of us can go outside our comfort zone every now & then...especially with friends & family.
It may or may not mean that you try anything...
Life is meant to be lived to its fullest...
That being said...I will still NEVER SKYDIVE!
So...Y.O.L.O. (brought to you by CFNE)
1) Jerk 5 x 5, climbing
record all weights
2) Y.O.L.O.
21-15-9 for time:
Power Cleans (185#/135#=Elite / 135#/95#=Normal)
GHD Sit Ups
Front Squats (same wt. as Clean...from ground)
C2B Pull Ups
3) Acquire 2 minutes of L-Sit
record total time it took to get to 2 min
Steve-O ~ Did Yolo...not sure of wts/time
SimO ~ 33:53 (130# / Banded HS)
Val ~ 135# Jerk / 34:02 (125#/banded HS)
STAN ~ 30:16 (135#21-15/125#-9 / banded HS)
Des ~ 105# Jerk / 31:?? (85# / box HS / Banded Pull)
Britt ~ 95-115-135-155-175 / 35:40 (155#)
tb ~ 130-150-155-175 / 34:41 (185#)
OZ ~ Moved & sweated...very sore (hurtin')
Watching Stan finish was awesome this AM...Pushed thru the 9 reps like a champ... 9 F.Sqts in a ROW!!!
AFTER he was finished...
Reflecting back on using bands for pull ups...
Walking out really not being able to Clean 95# about a year ago and now doing 135# for a 21 & 15 set ... ALSO, he was smart about adjusting to 125# for the finish! Saved his back that felt like it was going to go...10# CAN make all the difference AND being smart helps...
GO at your own pace...
BE better than yourself yesterday...
KNOW that life is about something bigger than you...
CHECK the Events 2013 Page...
What are you doing with the group???
Have a different suggestion...
~ Leave a comment or talk with tb or Val ~
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