It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Start Earlier...

We / I need to do a better job of getting in and starting earlier...
I need to get some of the extra stuff in...after or before we all go...

Here is the proposal...
5:45 am ~ WOD will be posted... Warm-up can be as complex as you want to make it...
Follow the Oly Lifts, Strength Lifts, Complexes, etc or do something that may be more beneficial for you...
We will be starting the MAIN WOD (For Time, AMRAP, EMOM, etc) between 6:15-:20 daily ...depending on length of time it will take and set-up/explanation...

Programing...what do WE want, what are YOU looking for...this AM work should  be beneficial for you...If we need to change, say about it...maybe there needs to be two WOD's for the day:
Competitors WOD (+ strength & Oly lifts) / TEAM WOD ( bits of strength only)
Keep in mind all the values that CrossFit is based on when determining what YOU are looking for...
i.e. ~ Everyday cannot be a 20-30min WOD where we just grind it out with various exercises...

MONDAY 2.25.13
1) Snatch Complex
1 Power Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch... work up to Heaviest Load

2) Box Squat
3 x 3, across (check last Mon.2.18 for load)

3) OTM for 10min:
Odd = Max Rep Unbroken C2B Pull Ups
Even = 5 Push Press (heavy load)

4) "IRIS" 4 Rnds for Time:
9 Snatches (115#/80#)
30 Wall Ball
58 D/U

Box Squat to be done After School...

Kate ~ 75# / 46 Pull (purp)+75#PP / 14:00 (3 Rnds / 65# / 180 singles)
Feidt ~ 145# / ?? Pull+135#PP / 13:00 (2 Rnds)
Britt ~ 145# / ?? Pull+135#PP / 13:00 (2 Rnds)
OZ ~ Snatch Work / 21 Pull+95#PP /
SimO ~ 120# / 38 Pull+115#PP / 13:30 (2 Rnds)
Syd ~ 135# / 42 Pull+??PP /
Des ~ 75# / sets of 5 broken+75#PP / 17:45 (3 Rnds / 65#)
Val ~ 105# / 29 Pull+105#PP / 9:22 (2 Rnds) aft school: 3x3@135/155/165 / 8:30 (2Rnds)
tb ~ 160# / 53 Pull+155#PP / 22:52

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