"this was no joke"
"this shit got real pretty fast"
"ass kicking"
~ All great quotes by people that performed it...exactly what I was thinking as I was trying to get thru this bitch!Another GREAT WOD from the genius...Ben B. (CFNE)
1) EMOM x 14:
7 Power Ceans (135#/95#) + 30 D/U
7 C2B + 7 Wall Balls* (30/20)
2-3 Min Rest
2) EMOM x 12:
5 OHS (135#/95#) + 30 D/U
5 Box Jumps (40/30) + 7 Wall Balls*
2-3 Min Rest
3) EMOM x 10:
3 Snatch (135#/95#) + 30 D/U
3 M.U. + 7 WB* (30/20)
SCALE Reps, Weight & Height (BJ) as needed
* sub Thrusters (75#/45#) for Wall Balls so you are not running from gym to room in 60sec
***cut down on reps if/when you need, but finish the WOD!
1) 1-5 as Rx, 6-14 = 5 PC + 30 D/U / 5 C2B + 5 WB
2) 5 OHS + 30 D/U / 4 B.J. + 5 WB
3) 3 Snatch + 30 D/U / 3 MU + 5 Wall Balls*
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