It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Friday, September 14, 2012

First Win!!!

Val got her WIN last night!!!

After lots of hard work, time & dedication...teamwork wins out.
Believe in yourself, Trust one another, Know that you have earned the right to win!

Congrats to Val and the TEAM!!! Before I went out to the FB game I watched some of the play...What a difference from a couple of weeks ago...Looked like a whole different team... They were not intimidated, they were working together, talking, calling out shots...IT LOOKED AWESOME!!!

Today's WOD ~
3 Rnds ~ 30 Single-Leg Jump Ropes (Rt & Lft), 10 Burpees
10 Arm Circles, 10 Arm Swings, 10 Up, Back & Overs
Burgener Warm-Up (45# x 4 Reps)

Snatch ~ 1RM
Clean & Jerk ~ 1RM

Get a PR today...One way or another...Find a way!

Kate & Desi ~ worked form for both exercises and were really going at it...GREAT WORK!!!
Britt ~ 165# (PR) / 215# (PR)
Feidt ~ 145# (PR) / ???
tb ~ 175# (PR) / 225#

Today was a good day! 
Pure strength days are tougher mentally when you are expecting to come into a WOD.  Come in expecting a met-con...burner...or endurance WOD and get stuck with Strength...Tough to adjust to! BUT that is one of the things about this routine...there is always the unexpected!  What I have really liked, come to realize, ENJOY, is this:
As long as the group/team is doing it...I WANT to do it as well!!!
Kate & Desi were perfect in this aspect...without missing a beat they went to work on TECHNIQUE with each other...hopefully we didn't ignore them completely and we were all better for the work!  Everyone got better!!!
Today was a good day!!!

WOD ~ Saturday @ 8:30am
With a BIG BLOG POST to follow!

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