It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

WHAT are you thinking?

We yoga'd this AM...
I don't like starting conversations like this, but we need to talk.

It is a question.. nothing more than that.
And nothing too complex.  Simple.

Sometimes, simple is the hardest to explain.
So try.

Here is the scenario:

We are working to heaviest 3 rep max for split snatch.
~sound familiar.. this was not that long ago we were lining up to get this done.

So: think about what we have going on... what is it that gets you into that situation that allows you to start getting heavy.

Or, maxing out on squats, OHS, dead lift, cleans... any of it.  Running a mile as fast as possible or possibly what makes you go out and tackle more than 3 miles in one attempt?  How about attacking burpees like it may possibly be your new job if the current one doesn't work out... WHAT makes you get at it?!

We want to know.

Let us have it....
Seriously> reply in a message below.

I'll go.. I've been thinking about it since it was brought up for a post idea.
Its a feeling in the beginning.. you feel good.  real good.  and ready to go... so you go.
As you get heavier the mind can sometimes wander so at that point I rely on the words of others... what to adjust, reminders to push from the heals, dropping the hips or to explode... if others think I can do it then I can do it.  The only possible barricade in the way is the mind.
The best thing about lifting:  I love lifting... and it is much better to lift with friends in the morning to make you get heavier and to push yourself.  There is no better environment.
Just watched this video on Outlaw.
Is it a fear.. maybe but she is the ultimate!
Or... maybe it's the awesome feeling that comes with the PR... really, 3 in one day!
Either way.... getting a PR is great: HSPU/Strict Pull ups this season.

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