It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Monday, September 10, 2012


What is NEXT? 
Are you ready for ANYthing?
In the last month...WE have started the Fall Sports Season, Competed in our First Garage Games, Started School & Run the Tough Mudder (again)...

Could you...Would you...Run a 5K, Bike a 20 miler, Lift a Max Weight, Compete in a Triathlon, Duathlon, Kayak, Canoe, Paddle board the river...
Are you ready for ANYthing????

That is why we be ready!!!  Right now the CF world is exploding with people that are actually planning/preparing for the CF games!  Their programs are VERY different from the average, but THEY are becoming the average b/c everyone wants to compete...

From what I have seen...We have done quite well for ourselves by "doing what we do!" We are always ready...always willing...and always able/capable!

SOOOO....What's NEXT???  Maybe nothing, but who knows...something could pop-up...Will you be confident and ready?

Monday 9.10.12
Warm-Up ~ 
1m Double Hop Jump Ropes
1m Singles
30s Rest
30s Left Foot Singles
30s Right Foot Singles
1m Alternating Feet (Bicycles)
30s Rest
50 D/U or 1m of D/U (whichever comes first)

Within 15 Min:
Find a 3 RM in Front Squat
Open 12.5
7 Min AMRAP (up ladder style)
3...6...9..12...etc (Score is TOTAL REPS)
Thrusters (100#/70#)
C2B Pull Ups

Val ~ 155# / 73 Reps
Kate ~ 115# / 67 Reps
Desi ~ 130# / 83 Reps
Jacob ~ 245# / 82 Reps
Britt ~ 225# / 82 Reps
Feidt ~ 225# / 67 Reps
tb ~ 225# / 76 Reps

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