It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

12 Days...10 Years!!!

Here we go!!! 10 years running...

12 Days of Christmas WOD...
This one is brought to you by LHS Alumni, Coach Mark Krommenacker...who is now the HC at Rib Lake for Football and Track & Field!!! PLUS he is their wt. room guru!

So this year it is the Rapids/Rib Lake Challenge...WOD HERE

Oz ~ No idea on time...coming off Flu
Casey ~ #1 finisher...39:30 (or so)
Steph Derringer ~ 43:57 (Beginner)
Carson Derringer ~ 37:23 (Beginner)
D.Rickaby ~ 39:56
G. Junemann ~ 53:30
C. Junemann ~ 48:57
R. Blokhuis ~ 54:37
J.Bishop ~ 46:45
Morgan Elliot ~ 53:57
Caroline Narel ~ 54:35
Kazmira Passineau ~ 54:35
T.Wendt ~ 47:30 (40# Manmakers done in 2:45
Z. Wendt ~ 42:29D. Biolo ~ 46:45
E.Tonn ~ 47:30
V. Tonn ~ Cheered everyone on (bad back from earlier in week)
Emmitt ~ ran around the entire time...Grabbed DB's and worked

Rib Lake ~ MK ~ 49:37
Rapids ~ tb ~ 52:00... 12 (Wo)Manmakers = 3:45 / Started at 12min last round

Wisconsin Rapids
2017 12 Days of Christmas WOD (Post WOD)
Rib Lake
2017 12 Days of Christmas WOD (Post WOD)

Rib Lake are the official winners as Coach Krommenacker beat Coach Biolo!!!
It was awesome doing this WOD knowing that another group somewhere else was doing the same exercises! Good stuff! 
Merry Christmas to all!!! 

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