My quads are feeling this... Too many weeks off! But I like the feeling! WORK!
Roll / Mobilize
3 Rnds ~
1 Strict Pull Up
5 BB Thrusters
15 Singles or D/U's
D/U & Squat Clean Thrusters
On the 90s for 7 Rnds:
25 D/U + 1 Squat Clean Thruster (Climbing)
Oz & Casey had
OTM x 10 ~ SCTh (climing)
AMRAP in 8min:
Ascending Ladder = 3-6-9-12-15-18-21...
Thrusters (95/65)
Toes To Bar
Oz ~ ?? / 15's + 10 Thr (100 Reps)
Casey ~ ?? / 15's + 10 Thr (100 Reps)
Stan ~ 15's + 2 Thr (92 Reps @ 75#)
Wendt ~ 175# SCTh / 12's + 15th&12ttb (87 Reps)
Val ~ ?? SCTh / 12's + 15th&2ttb (77 Reps)
tb ~ 165# SCTh / 15's + 10Thr (100 Reps)
My previous best was 108 Reps from 7-14-17 on record of this on AnythingOnce! No idea what happened...maybe did this at Iron River...
Everyone gets a participation trophy for this one... Two (or Three) Tie...ALL TIE!
Honestly, it did not hit me that I tied Oz and Casey until 10s after the WOD was done...Then, like Oz, I was PISSED...I for sure could have mustered up one more rep...Completed 15 TTB at 7:00 mark...went to the bar and got 3 thrusters right away...dropped...took some breaths and, in my head said, just pick it up, then, in my head I said, just a couple more breaths...just get to 10, you will never complete this... so that is how I finished...THEN, I remembered that Oz & Casey did 10 Reps on their 18 set... SOB!!! Shouldn't have taken he extra breaths! Could have beat them both and pissed them both off!
You shall be my people, and I will be your God. ~ Jeremiah 30:22b (I think)
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