Ok folks ...
ANYthing Once Crew is now signed up for Fittest Farmhand!
It is a team competition this year...4 person teams.
Syd, Val, Bertag & tb are the team!
Aug. 24th in Waunakee...
If you have some ambition and want to get a team of your own...feel free!
If you are looking for something to do...we could use some fans!
Todays WOD
OPEN 12.3
AMRAP in 18:
15 Box Jumps (24/20)
12 Shoulder to Overhead (115/75)
9 T2B
Max Test C2B...
as many C2B pull ups as possible without letting go of the bar.
Val ~ 8 Rnds / No C2B (hands ripped) / EXTRA = 1200m Row / 100 Burpees (20 Inverted Burpees)
tb ~ 8 Rnds + 17 reps / 26 C2B / EXTRA = 100 Burpees (25 Inverted Burpees)
Syd's WOD
AMRAP in 20:
7 C2B
10 One-Arm DB Squat Snatch (35# / 5-L & 5-R)
Syd = 8 Rnds
OH by the way...
Football Jersys are IN...look good!
Hats are in...look good!
Gloves are IN...look GREAT!!!
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