It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Sunday, April 26, 2015


Another Sunday WOD...That makes 3 Sunday WOD's in a row, in preparation for today. This was the FINAL WOD (Event #3...Jackie x 2) of the Masters Qualifier.

Just making it to the top 200 was we will see...
Started at 171...goal is to break into the top 150...really just hoping I do not get worse...I could for sure... Not many of the strengths popped up...In fact, today (Double Jackie) and yesterday (HSPU) were just goats of mine...sheesh...

Event #3 (Double Jackie)
2 RFT ~
1000m Row
50 Thrusters (65#)
30 C2B

tb ~ 20:55
Ethan ~ 21:?? least I left with a new PR in the Snatch (215#)...only 10# away from my 2015 goal of 225#! We will see what summer training brings...

The Open was a great time again this year...not because I made the top 200, but because it is one of those things that we can focus on, on a yearly basis to "test" ourselves and do something together...
The workouts bring a comon theme to the group...something to discuss, form some off-season goals and let others know about it...

This year brought us the teen division (Drake competed) and a scaled competition, so you could have taken those options if something popped up (muscle ups) that you just would not be able to do.

Ethan entered so we had our first Spouse's Competition!!!

Next up... JIGSAW RUN next Saturday, May 2nd (that is Val's Birthday as well BTW!!!)...
If you are not already entered...GET TO IT!!! HERE

Theme (decided by the birthday girl): LUMBERJACKS!!!
Get out those plaid shirts, denim jeans (real comfy to run in), suspenders, etc
Who will run in boots?!?!?
We may have to carry around a log as a team or up to find out

We are counting on YOU!!! Be a part of AOWR!!! Sweat together for a good cause and with great friends (you will not regret it)!!!

Tonn's = In
Biolo's = In
Desi + Chuck will be around ( running?)
Desi's Mom = In (I am told she will crush us all in the run...she can take the heavy log & axe)
Syd's = In
Oz...lets get in this...bring the boys!!!
JB &  ~ ???
Witt (Danielle, not Big Witt) ~ ??? (Traci will walk with you if you want)
Daliege ~ ???
Maloney ~ ??
Feidt's ~ ??

Sorry if I missed anyone... If you can or cannot, post to comments...

Chicago Style Hot Dog buffet afterwards...either at tb's, tonn's or TBD...that will be decided as the week moves on!
Bring a beverage of your choice and if you like a salad/desert/dish to pass around.
This is a VERY low-key deal afterwards... Stay as long or as short as you want...Heck, I may or may not stay around...We just want to "celebrate" the "AOWR Family" when we are done...
AND wish Val a Happy Birthday as well!!!

1 comment:

  1. Now that I know we don't have to do all that crazy stuff ;) my mom and I will be there to walk with Traci! :) can't wait...already working on the lumberjack outfit
