Memories @ alotta sweat (
This experience has been awesome! Those of you who did not enter, it is a MUST next year!
We have found some weaknesses to work on over the course of the next year...
Nothing that we have to jump into immediatly, but a bunch of little things to work on during warm-up, strategy during WOD's & specific WOD's this off be implemented a bit at a time
Choosing/Knowing your GOAT's (see previous post) is an important aspect of training/improving.
Choosing the times to work on them is the science/magic!
You should not "burn yourself out" during a warm-up & at the same time, you cannot keep neglecting a weakness, because you want to "save yourself" for the WOD!
I for one will do some reflecting / conversing / studying and program some better warm-ups & WOD's and the majority of time we will still be following some programming from those coaches/boxes that we like/admire!
Get Better @ / Perform for the First Time:
Muscle Ups
~ Dips / Ring Dips
~ Strict Pull Ups / C2B
Toes-to-Bar (K2E)
Handstand Push Ups ~ Kipping & Strict (deficit)
Handstands (freestanding) / Handstand Walks
Glute Ham Raise
Snatch / Clean & Jerk (getting under the bar)
~ Actually Squat-Snatch & Squat-Cleans...they should be heavier than your Power!
Work On:
D/U (Maloney! & the rest of us...these cannot be a GOAT!)
Higher Reps w/ Bodyweight/Lightweight (Wall Ball/Air Squats/Push Ups/Thrusters)
Running / Pacing
Partner Pulls (Runs)
Breathing / Tempo / Breathing Ladders
False Grip / Hook Grip
Mobility / Flexibility / Gymnastics movements
Taking Care of Ourselves:
Eating Right/Clean ~ which we all seem to have a pretty good handle on (most of the time ;-)
Stretching.. after is important.
Yoga. Position Holds.
These can not be neglected!
The more we do the more we need to be aware and address the importance of restorative movements.
Improving in any of these areas will improve everything else as well. Form.Function.Fitness.
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