It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Break... over.

Happy to say it has been a great break...
Finished our AWESOME-ness Wednesday by following an 'off to the side' trail that was told to me by a wonderful local in Sedona...
And we wound up with this view as we sat and pondered for a few.

Long Canyon Trail
This isn't just something you can find when you are away, these places exist at home also, but for some reason we find more of these places when we are away from our 'everyday' routines, work, chores, and well... life.
Living in the present and knowing that an afternoon lost out on the Horicon Marsh, Rib Mtn trails, or even breaking some open space on the road bike right out of the drive-way can sometimes be the first thing we put to the side when we have too much come up....
But when you are out on Long Canyon Trail and find the big, down tree and the trail that is right beside it before the bend to the right... the time seems to appear and you make way to get to the top.

We know each of us has a variety to our lives that makes it unique..
I will never say there is anything called normal... but I do believe that things are what you make of them.
With so much changing in life the last thing you can really do these days is simply, reject change...
Accepting and evolving come to varying degrees to many but it is by no means, easy.

A few of us made some 'big' decisions this past week...Some minds were put a bit at ease...
Surprises were definitely happening.
Some are making commitments.
And possibly a few of us are working to schedule their summer....

E and I got to have something in each of these phrases.. pretty wild for a week.  We do some of our best thinking when away from home, we get some fantastic text messages, and we fill in the gaps that happen when 'life' takes over.... regrouping is fabulous and so is taking the time to accept and make some changes.

There is always a constant change moving through, time is never going to stop and wait for us to catch up, and no matter how much we want to have a definite-absolute...  at the end of the day, we want to find what we feel the most absolute about: the happiness that surrounds us and the people that make all the goodness possible.

We may not have these places to escape to...
But the places we do have nearby and the people we can escape with are just as wonderful!

Indian Gardens in bloom with snow still on the S. Rim

Colorado River right before Bright Angel Bridge to Phantom Ranch

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Getting Old...

It was someones birthday today at USCrossfit...

Warm-Up =
Air Squats
Sit Ups (Pike or Crunchers)

AMRAP in 21 Minutes:
21 Push Press (95#/65#)
21 Swings (55#/35#)
21 Box Jumps (24"20")

Desi ~ 4 Rnds + 11 PP (@55#)
Syd ~ 4 Rnds + 16 Swings
Feidt ~ 4 Rnds + 9 Swings
Krommy ~ 5 Rnds + 7 PP
T-Lev ~ 4 Rnds + 13 PP
tb ~ 4 Rnds + 11 PP

Britt ~ 3.29.12 ~

This was a tough WOD...Not as tough as yesterday, but tough...
Hamstrings and Low Back were very sore today...took a bit to get them warmed up and going...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


2 Rnds ~
22 Wall Ball
22 Hang Power Snatch (45#/35#)
22 OHS (45#/35#)
400m Run

GHD Sit Up
GHD Back Extension
Stiff-Leg Deadlift (95#/65#)

Desi ~ 31:51
Feidt ~ 36:30
Krommy ~ 35:26
tb ~ 31:39

Britt ~ 3.28.12 ~ 32:10 (85#)

Sorry, I posted so late... All the times are at school...
Did not do the 100 Burpees today...
Will get them done again tomorrow!

Monday, March 26, 2012


Some of us are taking a Break...Spring Break...
Some of us got Broken...
All of us hope everyone enjoys themselves...
Did not seem like it was going to be as intense as it ended up!

Warm-Up ~ 
BB Thrusters (45# / 35#)
Sit Ups (your choice...Abmat, Pike, Crunch, etc)
& 400m Run b/t the sets

Warm-Up is just at a good pace, but not quite WOD/Intensity Pace...
This is not the competition...It is to "get ready" / "prepare" for the WOD...

SPRING BREAK 2012 brought to you by USCROSSFIT

400m Run
Deadlift (185# / 125#)
400m Run

Syd ~ 10:40
Krommy ~ 10:41
Feidt ~ 14:00
Desi (125#) ~ 13:03
tb ~ 11:36

Britt ~ 11:24 on Tuesday

Great Workout by all...Syd was feeling sick again post-wod... He should have!  Had to push it hard for the last 400m to keep Krommy from catching him.  He had to have Lactic Acid pouring thru his system after this destroyer!
As I rounded the corner to the back circle, these two were just finishing the circle...Syd w/ 100m to go and Krommy only about 5-10m behind him...It was going to be a race...
Syd remained the victor

My thought was this, "I am glad that is not me!" I was hurting bad enough...Having someone to push you at the end of this one would have been tough...

Self-conversations when someone is there at the finish go something like this:
If he passes me before "X" there is no way I can compete/stay with him!
If I can just stay ahead of him until "X" I should be able to beat him!
Come On you WEAK-TIT...Get moving, he is going to catch you!
Where the F#@& did he come from...How slow am I!
You Son-Of-A-Bitch...How did you do that!

That last comment is usually what I am thinking when HEPP works out with us!
He is a man among boys!

7am WOD for Tuesday
Monday Notes
Bertagnolski ~ 
In the great northwoods...
8 Mile Bike Ride to Lake Superior (downhill most of way)
8 Mile Bike Ride back (uphill most of way)  Bet he is looking at a new bike this week... :)
tb ~ 1-10-1 of Breathing Burpees (100 Total Burpees)
1 Burpee, 1 Deep/Slow Breath, 2 Burpees, 2 Deep/Slow Breaths, etc.
You can breath as much and however you need during the burpees, just that Rest will be same amount/# of Breaths as Burpees.
Amazingly got 8:57 for a time...  That is awesome.. 
The other day I did 10 sets of 10 Burpees starting each on the minute and it seemed a lot harder than today...Funny how it works...
Work more with Breathing Lifts/Exercises as the Week/Month move forward!
Val & Ethan ~ Having a Great Time in the Grand Canyon/AZ hopefully!
10mi hike from the base of the Grand Canyon, Phantom Ranch to South Rim via Bright Angel Trail.
6:23am left bridge over Colorado River
11:45 hit rim
5hr 22min = 4360 ft elevation in 10mi.
Best time yet and still was able to stop and rest... rained in the canyon when we started out and it was amazing!  The desert comes alive when in rains.... color is everywhere and the smell of the landscape is crazy! Leaving early allows more alone time and this place is my favorite place in the world!
Makes you think about what you really want to do while you can..  we met three (older, like over 60) women at dinner and one was saying to the other how she hopes she feels she can make the journey out (E and I were puzzled, is there another way?! mule?)... Definitely defined a lot of my views on life at the moment:  I don't want to be doing all the greatness at 60, hoping we are able to 'make it out'.  Would rather be going crazy with grandkids while my kids are dominating the Appalachian Trail.  LOL... that's a thought, babies..lets face it everyone is having one!!!, then a flashback of our flight to AZ and a crying baby across the aisle with E's look of 'No Way' comes to mind.  Everyone else can have them :)... GO GET'EM people!!
Doing Tues Warm up today & 21.15.9 DL/Burpee without the run... the calf muscles feel like they are ready to explode today!  
GO SYD.. always reliable for a nice sounding upchuck!  Love it!  Pretty much the funniest person to WOD with!

Friday, March 23, 2012

12.5 OPEN UP

Professional Day WOD

600m Run
20 Jumping Lunges
100' Standing Broad Jumps
20 Shoulder Press (45#/35#)

12.5 Crossfit OPEN WOD
As far as Possible in 7 Minutes:
Thrusters (100#/65#)
C2B Pull Ups (mod=Pull Ups/bands/etc)

STAN ~ (75#) 12 + 3 Pull Ups
Feidt ~ 12 + 6 Thrusters
Avalanche ~ 12 + 7 Pull Ups (great C2B!!!)
Krommy ~ 12 + 4 Pull Ups
Britt ~ (80#) 15!
Desi ~ (55#) 12 + 15 Thrusters
tb ~ 15 + 6 Thrusters (Great Help by Bertag & Stan)

Coaches/Trainers/Friends/Positive Peer Pressure
Doing WOD's together is awesome...Community, competition, motivation is what this is all about. When you can push one another (coach,motivate,etc) even better...
Today, I went after everyone else...Jacob & Stan were pushing me, coaching me, counting for me, not letting me take to long of breaks...This can be (and was) a big help!
We are (can be) our own worst enemies...The "little guy" on your shoulder telling you to slow down, take it easy, you need air, etc wants to get in your head! Mental Toughness is tough to get on your own...IT TAKES OTHERS TO HELP YOU! They can break you thru barriers...Let them!


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Clean it Up...

Warm Up:
500m Run (Tennis Court Run)
6 Rnds ~ 5 Pull Ups, 10 Push Ups, 15 Air Squats

Work to Heavy Set of Power Clean
(1's, 2's or 3's ... You choose! Just get HEAVY &/or Work your form early)

Press 2-2-2-2-2
(we did seated)

Hepp ~ 205# x 3 PC / 160 Press
Feidt ~ 205# x 3 PC / 155# Press
Krommy ~ 155# Press
tb ~ 225# x 3 PC / 145# Press
Kate ~ PC Form Work (90#)
Desi ~ PC Form Work (90#)

Strength Days are necessary with our WOD's.  I realize they are not the best, and not what everyone is looking for when they wake-up in the morning... If we are going to be true to the belief, "ready for ANYthing" then we have to be ready to increase our strength...
These are also good days to work on form & technique!!!

"You will get out of it, what you put into it!"

If you have a lousy attitude toward the strength workouts, then you will get just about that much out of it...if you give yourself a challenge on the front end of what weight you would like to lift, what you will improve upon...AMAZING things will begin to happen!!!

Feidt increased his Power Clean by 20# 
from the last time we did them (4-6 weeks ago)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Catching Up...

Well... The Jerkoffs @ T.M. (toughmudder) have figured out they pissed off a bunch of teams by filling the Saturday Portion of Mudder WI... Must have had a number of people complain, so now they increased their enrollment for Saturday... Just more $$ for them!

Tough Mudder Sucks!!!
They can keep their headband this year...I'm having fun on the giant slide!


Monday (WOD)
How far can you get in 12 Minutes:
Power Cleans
C2B Pull Ups

Modify as needed...
Syd ~ 12 Rnd + 6 Pull Ups (mod)
Feidt ~ 12 Rnd + 7 PC (mod)
Kate ~ 12 Rnd + 4 PC (mod)
Desi ~ 12 Rnd + 2 PC (mod)
Val ~ 12 Rnd + 8 PC (mod)
Avalanche ~ 15 Rnd
tb ~ 12 Rnd
T-Lev ~ 9 Rnd + 2 C2B
Hans ~ 12 Rnd + 6 PC
Reed ~ 12 Rnd + 15 PC

Tuesday (WOD)
OHS (95#/65#)

STAN ~ 7:41 (65#)
Kate ~ 6:45 (55#)
Hepp ~ 5:28
Avalanche ~ 5:25
tb ~ 5:55
T-Lev ~ 7:26
Hennesy ~ 6:02 (65#)
Reed ~ 7:21
Gerz ~ 5:55

Tuesday Afternoon WOD:

Syd: 9:??... Shoulders & OHS just don't work well 

Happy Belated St. Patty's Day 
Des: 34:55
Val:  36:03
Felt like FOREVER!  


Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patty's Day everyone!

Here we go...

4 Rnds (untimed) ~ 
10 BB Thrusters (45, 75, 95 & 115)
10 Pull Ups
10 Sit Ups
St. Patty's Day (3-17)
1 Mile Run
17 Burpee Box Jumps (24"/20")
17 Hollow Rocks
17 4-Ct. Flutterkicks
17 KB Swings (55#/35#)
1 Mile Run
17 Burpee Box Jumps (24"/20")
17 Hollow Rocks
17 4-Ct. Flutterkicks
17 KB Swings (55#/35#)
1 Mile Run

Hepp ~ 36:35
Syd ~ 39:50
Feidt ~ 44:44
tb ~ 40:33

Friday, March 16, 2012

Good Job...Happy Friday!

Friday is always a good day...
Thanks to Val for the Wed & Thursday post...
I will update Wednesdays WOD sometime today or this weekend...

Warm-Up ~ 
100 Step Ups (50 Each Leg)
10 Pass Thrus, 10 Pull Ups, 10 Push Ups
Shoulder Mobility
Move & Work as Needed

5 Rnds for Time ~ 
10 Hang Snatch (95# / 65#)
15 Burpees (chest & cheek, Hand Release @ bottom)
200m Run (1 Lap in gym)

Maloney ~ 15:50
Val ~ 18:55 (75# Snatch = Womens Elite Level)
Krommy ~ 18:36
Feidt ~ 18:29
Avalanche ~ 15:16 (Focused and Flying thru the WOD)
STAN ~ 17:40 (75#)
tb ~ 17:50
Hans ~ 15:40
T-Lev ~ 14:40

Hey Ethan...Look @ This
It should go back in the Front Room!!!
Just so you can keep track of it!

Saturday AM WOD @ 9am

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thursday + Events

Thursday today...
We SwAm.
You should tooo.
We may need pointers from this:
Well... we may need more than pointers.

Also: Events..
Please understand that I am mentioning the events coming up that we have done before or look to be fun!
It doesn't mean I am going to be doing all of them but that you may be interested in doing them and getting a group together through everyone that has been around in the last year... really isn't that hard.

5.5~ Jigsaw Run: Wisc Rapids, WI (events page)
5.20~ Mud Run: Verona, WI (events page)
5.20~ Crystal Lake Classic: Rhinelander, WI (Bike)
5.26~ Urban Bike Race: Monona, WI (events page)

An organized ANYthing Once event will be coming in early summer also... Stinkin AweSOME!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Quote of the DAY:

"I just don't if my skin can expand to allow anymore growth in my forearms."

Well.  There you have it folks.  
Awesome-ness happens when you aren't paying attention.... even to your forearms.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Missing Britt...

Different feeling coming off Running and Squat-Cleans...some soreness that has not been here for a while!

20 Russian Twists
3 Skin the Cats
Tabata Mash-Up: Squats & Burpees
Press 2-2-2-2-2
2min Rest b/t sets
Work for heaviest set

4 RFT ~ 
15 Pull Ups
20 Swings (55# / 35#)
25 Abmat Sit Ups

Val ~ 11:48 (purple)
Maloney ~ 12:10 (purple/green switch-off)
Desi ~ 13:18 (purple)
T-Lev ~ 14:01
STAN ~ 14:00
Hans ~ 16:48
Avalanche ~ 165# / 19:48
tb ~ 155# / 16:37

Nice work on upper body today...good change-up from yesterdays lower body crusher...I could feel the legs going in the last half of Tabata Mash-Up!

We found some video of STAN in his early days...
Lenny Pepperbottom

Monday, March 12, 2012


Lost an hour this weekend...
Sunday & Monday were early mornings...
We'll see if we can get adjusted by Tuesday...

Britt had to to become a professional and represent LHS/WRPS at a conference!

25 Jax
10 Burpees
25 Jax
10 Pull Ups
Clean Form WORK
8 Muscle Cleans (form / bar)
2 (sets) x 6 (reps) Propulsuons (work form / add weight)

5 Rnds for Time:
400m Run
8 Squat-Cleans (135# / 95#)
25 D/U

Val ~ 23:40
Maloney ~ 22:40 (85# / 50 Singles)
STAN ~ 21:00 (75# / 50 Singles)
Feidt ~ 27:15
Avalanche ~ 20:35 (Rnds 1-4 did 40 D/U)
tb ~ 20:51
Desi ~ 23:19 (75#)
This is what we are looking for!!! Records!
Looks like Maloney or Stan on the track!

Friday, March 9, 2012

F'd Up Friday

Get what you need out of the workout!

Work HARD!

I was not trying to show anyone up by doing Squat-Cleans this AM...I hope no one took it that way!

I got mad at myself for being lazy and doing G2O while watching Desi do real nice Clean & Jerks (I told her how to do them, then proceeded to try to compete with Jacob and got sloppy!)

Also, I was going to do 135# (Jacob did for his 5 & 10 set...tough guy) and Steven Hepp hit me with a dose of reality!!! Which made me more upset when I was trying to go too fast rather than focus on form!


50 Jumping Jax
1-2 sets of BB Complex
6 each of:
DL/Up. Row/Sqt-Clean/Front Squat/Push Press/Back Squat

Clean & Jerk form

WOD ~ 
1 Mile Run
5 Clean & Jerk (115# / 85#)
800m Run
10 C & J
400m Run
15 C & J
200m Run
20 C & J

Britt ~ 23:01
Krom ~ 25:39
Maloney ~ 24:26 (85#/75#)
T-Lev ~ 22:55
Hepp ~ 23:55
Feidt ~ 28:48
Avalanche ~ ??? (135# / 115#)
Desi ~ 28:08 (75#)
tb ~ 30:48

If you didn't yesterday...READ TODAY!
I do not know any arrogance in this group!  You all are extremely motivating to me! Genuine concern and caring for one another while making yourselves better every time we get together!


Nic was hoping I had left at to track before he got back from the weight room... NOPE!
We did it Rx'd and rocked it!

Nic:  24:08
Val:  24:33

HappY FrIdAY!!!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Worked the Kinks out...

We worked the kinks out this morning....
Was awesome.
You want to read something:  Read THIS.
Think about it.  Find which side you would fall on... humility or arrogance.
This guy posts some great stuff... I just enjoy reading his posts and appreciate the motivation.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Toughness Training...

Today was a good day... Could have gone quicker (i.e. started earlier) but the Warm-Ups need to be like that at least 2x's each week... We have to get to another level
Warm-Ups will begin to include:
Tabata / Complexes / Rounds&Reps
If you need to work an exercise...REMEMBER...there is no magic in the warm-up!


If you want help with an exercise...just ask!  
If you have exercises that you would like incorporated into the warm-up...just say!

400m Run
Frog Complex (6 Reps)
3 Rnds w/ 10 Burpee Chaser
(1 Rep = Squat-Clean to Thruster, Back Squat to Thruster)

2 x Plank Series (Lft T-Bar-Plank-Rt T-Bar / 30sec each)

7 Rounds for Time ~ 
7 Ball Slams (20/16)
7 Burpee C2B Pull Ups
7 Hang Squat Snatch (75# / 55#)

Val ~ 5 rnds = 18:14
Britt ~ 5 rnds = 18:05
Avalanche ~ 19:20
Maloney ~ 18:30
Desi ~ 24:09
Krom ~ 20:41
Feidt ~ 22:20
tb ~ 20:18
STAN ~ 22:40
Hans ~ 24:18
T-Lev ~ 19:29

Working out with STAN pestering you and maintaining focus

WALL SLIDES (wall extensions)
Learn & Practice

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Keep Moving...

20 Russian Twists
3 Skin the Cats
Hip Mobility

Thrusters 3-3-3-3-3 (get heavy, but we need to get going)

4 RFT (30 Min Cap) ~ 
10 Deadlift (185# / 115#)
20 Wall Ball
30 Sit Ups
40 D/U

If you struggle at D/U this could be a tough one... Fortunately for the crew, nobody really struggled with the D/U...This is not really anyone's weakness.

Val ~ 16:48
Desi ~ 17:40
Avalanche ~ 19:55
Britt ~ 14:55 (speedy...was just constant at everything!!!)
T-Lev ~ 18:57
Munce ~ 20:45
K-Shon ~ 17:40
tb ~ 15:05

Val & Desi helped each other on Skin-the-Cats! This was great and our warm-up should consist of more work on weaknesses and things that are a bit uncomfortable...Things that will make us better...things that will challenge us! Helping one another in warm-up is something we should be doing more of!

Keeping in mind that the WOD needs to get going so everyone can get out of here at a reasonable time.

Monday, March 5, 2012


Frog Complex (75# / 45#)
Squat-Clean to Thruster...Back Squat to Thruster

With a 20 Minute Running Clock get as far as possible:
15 Strict Pull Ups
1 Muscle Up
15 Strict Pull Ups
2 Muscle Ups
15 Kipping Pull Ups
3 Muscle Ups
15 Kipping Pull Ups
4 Muscle Ups
15 Chest-2-Bar Pull Ups
5 Muscle Ups
15 Wt. Pull Ups (25# / 15#)

Alt = AMRAP in 20 Min (For Form more than Reps)
25 Pull Ups, 25 Push Ups, 25 Sit Ups, 25 Squats


7 Minutes to Perform 800m Run + Max Push Ups

Britt ~ 4 Wt. Pull Ups / 39 Push Ups (Ring / Depth)
Hans ~ 5 Muscle Ups / 38 Push Ups (Ring / Depth)
Avalanche ~ 2 Rnds / 40 Push Ups (Depth)
Desi ~ 3 Rnds + 25 Sit Ups / 36 Push Ups
Kate ~ 3 Rnds + 19 Sit Ups / 79 Push Ups
Val ~ 3 Rnds + 25 Push Ups / 40 Push Ups
Feidt ~ 3 Rnds / 52 Push Ups
T-Lev ~ ???
tb ~ 15 C2B Pull Ups / 40 Push Ups (Ring)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Character & ANYthing Once

Been thinking on things....
Character: a collection of features and traits that form the individual nature of someone.
The importance in our lives lies within our character and the way we define ourselves.
Character can always be worked on and can continue to evolve but much of our behavior and the habits we have in life can fall in line with our way of thinking, speaking, or acting.

Yes, I have been thinking about my character... Can you tell?

How do you define your character?  What traits are your most dominating that others seem to notice?

ANYone up for a skydiving adventure?

ANYthing Once has grown in the past year.  We have influenced family members and friends to go out and get active.  Participating in events is only one part of the community and that has shown to be very influential on those who may have thought about events but not had that push necessary to 'do it' alone. 
A BIG HIGH FIVE to all of you influencing those you know to try something new and for you to be inviting them along with you on some of the fun events you take part in each year.
The core of ANYthing Once though, is to find health and wellness in our everyday lives.  We commit to make the time for ourselves that allows us to have a longer, happier life with those we love.  We know that what we do daily to better our health only dominoes in to our busy, everyday routines: work, extra-curriculars, family, and all the madness in-between.
I truly want you to know that being a part of this ride has been AWESOME and it only seems to be getting better!  Yesterdays adventure was another one of those great memories and so are the AM WODs with badass people that push you to be better.
BETTER:  better your form, better your ability and progressions, work through your weaknesses, the only one you hurt is yourself but you really ANNOY those around you that want you to put in the extra effort to do it right, fight harder to push those around you.
I 'keep' things.  I have this 'good juju' file.
It is a combination of handwritten letters, pictures, emails, race numbers that hold a memory... Good memories, bad memories, lessons I have learned.... maybe some of you have the same.  Unfortunately it is necessary in my life to 'keep' things since my memory doesn't hold on to as much unless I have something to see to remind me...  (my memory works on smell also but that is different)
SO here is a good one from the past:
(slightly altered and unknown where from)

1.  ANYthing that looks easy on paper/whiteboard generally will break you.
2.  It never gets easier.  You just get faster.
3.  Bigger gains are made when we work on the things we are weak in, not when we work on the things we are strong at.
4.  Laying on the floor for 30 minutes, trying for recover from a five minute WOD, is when I feel most alive.
5.  It's ok to scale a WOD.  Power and Performance should be the goal, not Rx'd.
6.  We're blessed to have made good friends in life.  Some of the best friends I have, I made though Xft & ANYthing Once.
7.  There's no room for ego in Xft.  When it's time for the WOD, if we forget to check our ego at the door, we lose.
8.  We are in Xft who we are in real life.  
9.  If we have to modify a WOD.  Never, ever apologize for what you are able to do because at the end of the WOD, if you gave an all out effort, that's all that really matters.
10.  Do not sacrifice form just to get a better time.  Same holds true in real life- Do not overlook the small details while chasing after the big picture. 

Comment as needed and Happy MARCH!
kinda serious about the skydiving.....

Weekend Run..

Point Bock run this past Saturday.
Cold.  Wasn't that windy until you go to the bridge and then you ran along the river with the trees dropping snow, from there you came to the turn-about and booked it back.  Two timers located throughout the race and an AWESOME post-party.
It was loads of fun!
A mad-house with tons of people but it was one of the funnest fun-runs yet.
Had a blast catching up with friends!

Abbey~ 51:40@10:20/mi
Desi~ 45:34@09:07/mi
Ethan~ 45:49@09:10/mi
Maloney~ 41:30@08:18/mi
Krommy~ 34:20@06:52/mi SpeedDemon
Jess~ 48:33@09:43/mi
Jody~ 1:04:07@12:50/mi
Val~ 45:11@09:03/mi

ALSO!  Got to catch up with Erica and Dave from Madison!!!!
This was the best surprise!
Erica~ 36:21 @ 7:17/mi           Dave~ 39.19 @ 7:52/mi
Erica has started training for the Madison Ironman this coming September.
Her and Dave also plan on participating in the Door County Half Iron.

Been a long time for some of us to go out and run 5miles but the goal isn't to train for something specific but to be ready for ANYthing.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Marching to your own Beat

Many things going on today...

Avalanche may have just hit...JB went skiing or something on his own...

Val & Crew were at the Point Bock Run (Val should blog later)

Syd, Hepp & tb in for AM WOD before parking @ State Gymnastics

Frog Complex
4 Sets

1 Set is 6 Reps w/o setting bar down or regrip...
1 Rep is 1 of each:
Squat-Clean to Thruster to Back Squat to Thruster

WOD is Games 12.2
With a 10 Minute Continuous Clock
Get as many reps as possible:

30 Snatches (75# / 45#)
30 Snatches (135# / 75#)
30 Snatches (165# / 100#)
Max Rep Snatches (210# / 120#)

No Modifications...Do what you can!

Syd ~ ??? 45 or so ??? (30+??)
Hepp ~ 47 reps (30+17)
tb ~ 60 reps (30+30)

Nobody made the 165# wt...
Was a very good challenge...Toughness!

ANYthing Once 5K is coming...

Friday, March 2, 2012

Sealfit (Worse than Murph...Sort of)

WOD brought to you by Sealfit
Officially called Kilpatrick-Dahlgren
The Seal Operators crushed this thing...Kate was as good as we have!
She was a BEAST!!!!

Also had a special visitor...Piso (now a principal)!  Came in with the Avalanche and we had to "up  the ante" on a friday WOD!  This was right up his alley and he was cruzing...lost a bit in the middle, but fought thru and really finished strong!!!

5 RFT ~
25 Pull Ups
2 Lap Run*
30 Hand Release Push Ups
1.5 Lap (200m) Run
35 Sit Ups
1.5 Lap (200m) Run
40 Air Squats
1 Lap Run*

*Our 2 Lap and 1 Lap run were so we could end close to where we needed to perform our Pull Ups...On the origional WOD is is all 200m Runs between.

Some people had to leave early as it was getting late for school to begin:

Maloney ~ 52:40...BEASTMODE! She rocked this thing and then some...Blazing on the runs
Britt ~ 3 Rnds in 36:00
Krommy ~ 56:27
Desi ~ 56:00
Munce ~ 55:20
Wendt ~ 55:50
STAN ~ 49:30 (1-no band, 2&3 Purple, 4&5 Green)
T-Lev ~ 51:45
Avalanche ~ 65:00
Feidt ~ 4 Rnds in 52:20
tb ~ 56:41
Piso ~ 56:27

All Total
2.5 Miles of Running, 125 Pull Ups, 150 Push Ups, 175 Sit Ups, 200 Air Squats

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Day After...

Another Thursday...

Another YOGA day!  

Another outstanding day! Today is a good day...

Hepp, STAN, T-Lev & Hansen performed Avant Garde

Hepp ~ 28:38
Stan ~ 29:40
T-Lev ~ 27:15
Hans ~ 27:00

Collette Karis Feuerstahler
2.23.2012 / 6 lbs. 8 oz.
Mom went in at 5:15am...Baby born @ 5:55am
"Collette" WOD will be a quick one...Not easy, but quick!