It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Character & ANYthing Once

Been thinking on things....
Character: a collection of features and traits that form the individual nature of someone.
The importance in our lives lies within our character and the way we define ourselves.
Character can always be worked on and can continue to evolve but much of our behavior and the habits we have in life can fall in line with our way of thinking, speaking, or acting.

Yes, I have been thinking about my character... Can you tell?

How do you define your character?  What traits are your most dominating that others seem to notice?

ANYone up for a skydiving adventure?

ANYthing Once has grown in the past year.  We have influenced family members and friends to go out and get active.  Participating in events is only one part of the community and that has shown to be very influential on those who may have thought about events but not had that push necessary to 'do it' alone. 
A BIG HIGH FIVE to all of you influencing those you know to try something new and for you to be inviting them along with you on some of the fun events you take part in each year.
The core of ANYthing Once though, is to find health and wellness in our everyday lives.  We commit to make the time for ourselves that allows us to have a longer, happier life with those we love.  We know that what we do daily to better our health only dominoes in to our busy, everyday routines: work, extra-curriculars, family, and all the madness in-between.
I truly want you to know that being a part of this ride has been AWESOME and it only seems to be getting better!  Yesterdays adventure was another one of those great memories and so are the AM WODs with badass people that push you to be better.
BETTER:  better your form, better your ability and progressions, work through your weaknesses, the only one you hurt is yourself but you really ANNOY those around you that want you to put in the extra effort to do it right, fight harder to push those around you.
I 'keep' things.  I have this 'good juju' file.
It is a combination of handwritten letters, pictures, emails, race numbers that hold a memory... Good memories, bad memories, lessons I have learned.... maybe some of you have the same.  Unfortunately it is necessary in my life to 'keep' things since my memory doesn't hold on to as much unless I have something to see to remind me...  (my memory works on smell also but that is different)
SO here is a good one from the past:
(slightly altered and unknown where from)

1.  ANYthing that looks easy on paper/whiteboard generally will break you.
2.  It never gets easier.  You just get faster.
3.  Bigger gains are made when we work on the things we are weak in, not when we work on the things we are strong at.
4.  Laying on the floor for 30 minutes, trying for recover from a five minute WOD, is when I feel most alive.
5.  It's ok to scale a WOD.  Power and Performance should be the goal, not Rx'd.
6.  We're blessed to have made good friends in life.  Some of the best friends I have, I made though Xft & ANYthing Once.
7.  There's no room for ego in Xft.  When it's time for the WOD, if we forget to check our ego at the door, we lose.
8.  We are in Xft who we are in real life.  
9.  If we have to modify a WOD.  Never, ever apologize for what you are able to do because at the end of the WOD, if you gave an all out effort, that's all that really matters.
10.  Do not sacrifice form just to get a better time.  Same holds true in real life- Do not overlook the small details while chasing after the big picture. 

Comment as needed and Happy MARCH!
kinda serious about the skydiving.....

1 comment:

  1. I will cheer on anyone that is in for skydiving!
    I will commit to a skydive on my 90th Birthday (If I live that long...that will be enough)

    Good thoughts on character Val!
    "Who you are when no one else is watching"
    "What you stand for...What you are willing to defend... These things define your character as well.

    #9 might be the most important part...Only ONE person can answer this in the end
