It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Break... over.

Happy to say it has been a great break...
Finished our AWESOME-ness Wednesday by following an 'off to the side' trail that was told to me by a wonderful local in Sedona...
And we wound up with this view as we sat and pondered for a few.

Long Canyon Trail
This isn't just something you can find when you are away, these places exist at home also, but for some reason we find more of these places when we are away from our 'everyday' routines, work, chores, and well... life.
Living in the present and knowing that an afternoon lost out on the Horicon Marsh, Rib Mtn trails, or even breaking some open space on the road bike right out of the drive-way can sometimes be the first thing we put to the side when we have too much come up....
But when you are out on Long Canyon Trail and find the big, down tree and the trail that is right beside it before the bend to the right... the time seems to appear and you make way to get to the top.

We know each of us has a variety to our lives that makes it unique..
I will never say there is anything called normal... but I do believe that things are what you make of them.
With so much changing in life the last thing you can really do these days is simply, reject change...
Accepting and evolving come to varying degrees to many but it is by no means, easy.

A few of us made some 'big' decisions this past week...Some minds were put a bit at ease...
Surprises were definitely happening.
Some are making commitments.
And possibly a few of us are working to schedule their summer....

E and I got to have something in each of these phrases.. pretty wild for a week.  We do some of our best thinking when away from home, we get some fantastic text messages, and we fill in the gaps that happen when 'life' takes over.... regrouping is fabulous and so is taking the time to accept and make some changes.

There is always a constant change moving through, time is never going to stop and wait for us to catch up, and no matter how much we want to have a definite-absolute...  at the end of the day, we want to find what we feel the most absolute about: the happiness that surrounds us and the people that make all the goodness possible.

We may not have these places to escape to...
But the places we do have nearby and the people we can escape with are just as wonderful!

Indian Gardens in bloom with snow still on the S. Rim

Colorado River right before Bright Angel Bridge to Phantom Ranch

1 comment:

  1. very nice Val, you should become a professional blogger. You mentioned the horicon marsh but said nothing about Sandy's Goose Shot......or Jamaican Andy's in Horicon. those are some hidden gems as well....especially Andy's breads and pasties.
