It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

2's Day

50 Burpees

AMRAP in 10 Min:
15 Wall Ball (20/14)
30 D/U*
~ If you are weak on D/ 15-20 of them!
~ If you have no D/U...sub 50 Singles!
* If  you sub ANY D/U...perform 100 D/U post-WOD
& get working on them every day during WARM-UPS (more on this later)!!!!

3 Rnds NOT for Time (FOR Form & Tech.)
10 OHS (65#/45#)
10 Squat Therapy

STAN ~ 7rnds (singles)
Oz ~ 4rnds+15 WB
Kent ~ 4rnds (2 rnds 20 D/U & 2 rnds 50 singles)
Urbs ~ 6rnds (singles)
Desi ~ 5rnds + 12 D/U
Britt ~ 6rnds + 7 WB
Val ~ 6rnds + 12 D/U
JB ~ 8rnds + 6 WB
tb ~ 7rnds + 10 D/U

They are just what they say...Warming-Up activities!!! BUT...use this time not only to get ready to workout, but to IMPROVE yourself!  Nothing fancy, simple stuff (D/U...Box Jumps...Clean Tech...Snatch Tech...Shoulder Mobility...Hip Mobility...Squat Depth...Volume Repetitions...etc)
Pick just a couple of things that you want to get better at and work them for the next few weeks...See what happens.
Pay no attention to the WOD...Do a warm-up that gets your heart beating, you sweating & loose and ALSO working on a weakness or two...

Here will be my focus for the next few weeks:
Squat Reps / Burpees / L-Sits / Bridging / Superman Push Ups / HSPU & Shoulder Work
Looking something like this:
Mon ~ Leg Blaster / Superman Push Ups / Bridging
Tue ~ Burpees / L-Sit / Wall Crawl
Thur ~ Frog Complex / Superman Push Ups / L-Sit
Fri ~ Wall Crawl / Burpees / Bridging
* Need to throw in Strict C2B Pull Ups when possible!!!

With that shown...everyday may not include all of those...I may miss a day and add it to the next, or I may include something that WILL help the WOD (i.e. ~ Burgener W.U. on Snatch WOD) but that is what I will strive for!!!

I just want to be more like Bertagnoli (or this guy & gal)!!!

BTW ~ What exercise in warm-up will help my breathing?!?!?

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