It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Not because its Halloween!!! 
No...spooked because upon waking up this AM we saw what the WOD was...
Once you see the WOD (and it is a known benchmark) it is already scary...
When you see that it is GRACE or FRAN...then you are just...
that PIT in your stomach...
Heavy breathing when you have not moved...
Blood is pumping faster in your warm-up...
& you just begin to feel sick to your stomach pre-wod!


2-3 Rnds of Frog Complex 
(Sqt-Clean to Thruster to Back Sqt to Thruster x 6)
Superman Push Ups

30 Clean & Jerks (135#/95#)

Snatch Skills (3-6 sets)
Snatch DL + High-Hang Snatch + Snatch Balance + Snatch
~ Work up to a moderate weight that you can move fast and with extreme CONFIDENCE!

10 x 1 Back Squat
2 x 3 Front Squat

Des ~ Row WOD from HERE (10-1-13) ~ 13:43
Redd ~ 3:19 (65#)
Kent ~ 4:37
Oz ~ 7:17
JB ~ 2:54
tb ~ 2:08 / 135# / B.Sqt - w/belt-315#(1-5) w/o belt-275# (6-7) 295# (8-10) / FS-225#
Val ~ 2:59 / no Snatch / B.Sqt -(no belt) 195#-200# / FS-135#

Proud of Kent & Oz ~ couple of rookies on GRACE!
They handled her real well...Oz just muscled thru the presses
Urbs is going to have to have a make-up day soon!!!
This is a great BENCHMARK to work from!
JB did very well...he is mad b/c he did not PR...
BUT...he should realize that he ran a mile or so plus his tabata before the workout...I envy his warm-up (truly a WOD before our WOD). And he DOES NOT adjust it b/c of the workout! Pretty awesome! He is improving in ways he does not even realize.
He might even be close to beating Feidt in a WOD soon!!!

Big PR by Val!!! Awesome time...
On the White Board!!!