BWT for Time:
10-9-8-7...3-2-1 for Time:
STRICT Pull Ups (mod w/ band or feet on bar, if needed)
STRICT HSPU (Bar Dips or Push Ups, if needed)
For time:
60 Cal Row
40 Cal Bike
20 Power Clean & Jerks (135#/95#)
Ladick - Dips/Pull complete / 10:00(95#)
Daliege - complete18:00 / 9:59 (135#)
Stan - Dips/Pull / 8:40 (95#)
Pyan - Push UPs & Mod Pull / 14:00 (95#)
tb ~ 19:05 (All Pull Ups UB!) / 11:05 (Row = ?? / Bike = 4:00 / Singles as clusters of 3)
10's - 6-2-2 @ ???
9's - 3-3-2-1 @4:57
8's - 3-2-3 @ 7:43
7's - 2-2-2-1 @ 10:19
6's - 2-2-2 @ 12:49
5's - 2-2-1 @ 14:50
4's - 1-1-1-1* @ 16:30
3's - 2**-1 @17:50
2's - 1-1** @ 18:50
1's - 19:05
* = did quick singles on purpose, 5 breaths b/t
** = tried to get all reps, but failed!