It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021


I need air!!!
Sheesh...time to breath today! 

Two Parter for me today...
6-7:30 AM then 3rd Hour for the 4m Interval Session

2 Sets:
60s Squat Rocks
30s Prone PVC Pass Thrus
Banded Sotts Press x 30s
2 Rnds @ 75%
40 Cal Bike
HS Walk 75' or 12 Wall Crawl
EMOM x 12 (3 Sets) for Reps:
1 = Target Reach + Bar MU (45s)
2 = D/U (45s)
3 = TTB (30s)
4 = Push Press @ 105#/80# (30s)
Every 4m Perform (4-6 Rnds):
15-20/12-15 Cal Bike
15-20/12-15 Cal Row
15-20/12-15 Burpees
Record individual Round Times
Adjust reps as needed to leave 30-60s Rest

Daliege ~ 4 Rnds of the 4m Intervals
Pyan ~ 2-3 Rnds of the Intervals
Moon ~ 4m Int = 3:33(15) / 3:36(15) / 3:23/3:23/3:3:10/3:03 (12's 3-6)
tb ~ 3 Target+MU / 70-66-75 D/U / 17-17-18 TTB / 13-14-16 PP / 
4m Int = 
3:48 (17-17-15) - 1:27 / 1:03 / 6-6-3s

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