2 Rnds:
200m Run
60' Farmers Carry (Rt) + Waiters Carry (Lft)
250m Row
60' Farmers Carry (Lft) + Waiters Carry (Rt)
3-5 Squat Progression (Squat + Reach Rt + Reach Left + OH then Up)
EMOM x 21 (7 Rnds):
1 = 4 Burpee Box Jump-Overs + 20 D/U
2 = 4 Burpee Box Jump-Overs + 5 OHS* (135#)
3 = 4 Burpee Box Jump-Overs + 6 TTB
* Adjust as needed
Goal is to clear the BBJO as fast as possible...not just to "make-it-through" the workout...
If you have to adjust reps/wt for that & try to keep intensity up and give yourself +10s rest before next minute...
Ladick ~ ?? OHS... 2 Rnds
Pyan ~ 95# OHS... 2-3 Rnds
Daliege ~ 95# OHS...done
tb ~ Did it but skipped set #5 of OHS (breathing), then went to 3 reps for 6 & 7...
I was good with Jump Down/Jump Up Burpees for first 3 sets, on set 4 I started to step, still Jump for BJ...that slowed me down considerably... NO Intensity whatsoever once I started to STEP...
The HR would spike 30s or so AFTER I dropped the OHS...just as Burpee Box Jumps would hit rep #2 or 3 in next minute...MAN this was tough!
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