It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Back at it...

Well... a week of Vaca for me up in Rhinelander is over... Back at it with a cold/cough! Nothing worse than a cold/cough in the summer! Just sucks... but summer is the time to "suck-it-up"...No excuses...
100 burpees each day and getting some physical work it yardwork, housework, workouts, whatever...
Better yourself everyday!
Take some time (now that we have it)...Read...Work...Think...Reflect...Pray... a positive influence on all those around you!

Watching these guys get after it in the AM session was motivating!!!!

3 Rnds:
15 Burpees
1 Rnd STRICT Cindy

45s Sampson Stretch (ea)

BB Warm-Up

SNATCH Complex (work speed under the bar)
OTM x 12 (4 Rnd of this wave):
Power Snatch + OHS + Squat Snatch
0:00 = 50%
1:00 = 55%
2:00 = 60%
3:00 = start over, etc

ISABEL (past HERE [6.16], HERE [4.14] & HERE [12.13])
For Time:
30 Snatches (135/95)
*scale as needed...

Casey ~ 95# / 3:00 (@95# ~ PR...first time!)
Oz ~ 95-105-115 / 3:00 (@115# PR in wt & Time!)
Wendt ~ XX / 2:24 (PR)
tb ~ 115-125-135 / 2:23

3 Dog-Gone PR's...Outstanding!!! Proud of each of them!
Casey was a "first timer" and these quick WOD's can throw you for a loop... He did outstanding... Will definitely improve next time as well...
OZ bumped up his weight significantly... that was 75% of his Snatch Max Folks!!!AND he moved it 30 times in 3 min!!! Keep this in mind...MY 135# is 60% of my max Snatch...
Wendt had an old PR of just under 3min! This kid is motivated and lifts well when challenged! He burst out of the gate with 1-10 in 0:35, then 11-20 in 1:20...slowed down for last 10 (to be expected).
I wandered around trying to get up the nerve to do this... after seeing these 3 all PR and get after it...didn't know if I could do as well...Then feared the result!  The the "little man" started talking... You are sick, have a cough, feel like crap, know...excuses... Time to shut him down!

Debated multiple strategies...mostly for delaying the inevitable...
ALL quick singles...6-6-5-5-4-4...6-6-?-then singles...what will work the best...knowing that no matter what...THOSE LAST 10...OUCH!
Should I look at the clock and game it?
NOPE...I will not look at the clock! That way, no gaming, and push myself as much as I can...either be pissed or pleased after...

Well... NOT A PR, but pleased! Below is the rep-scheme I used today:
6-6-3-then clustered, fast-singles 3-3-5-4 ~ only 1 sec away from the I was ok, but I really wanted under 2min... Well, that was not happening today!
Praise be to God!

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