It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Recovery Day

Here is the recovery for the day...

800m Run

4 x 20s BB Thoracic Spine Stretch

3 x 30s Arch Hold - 30s Hollow Hold - 30s REST

3 x 30s each side (each hold) Couch Stretch
(Wall, Lunge)
(Ham, Splits...good luck with that)
Hollow Rocks
Arch Rocks

800m Run

This is rest/recovery...still movement...still working...less intensity...RECOVERY!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Time for a little test...
The OPEN TEST last time is HERE

Warm-Up... Move!

AMRAP in 20min:
50 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
50 Double Unders
40 Box Jumps (24"/20" ~ Games Standards)
40 TTB
30 C2B Pull Ups
30 Burpees
20 Power Cleans (145#/100#)
20 Jerks (145#/100#)
10 Snatches (145#/100#)
10 Muscle Ups

REST ... then ...

5 RFT ~ 
500m-400m-300m-200m-100m Row
5 Bench Press (225#/135#)
10 Bent-Over BB Row (155#/95#)
15 GHD Sit Ups
(each row is a round...descending rounds of rowing)

Britt ~ Completed Open Test for Time ~ 30 Min (no MU)
Des ~ Did not finish
Taylor U ~ ???
Val ~ 13 Jerks (15pullups) /  20:20 (75#/45#)
tb ~ 1 Snatch / 22:18
Nathan H. ~ XX / 22:10 (155#/95#)

Feidt Duo ~ did it. done.

A LOT going on in the neighborhood right now... breaks are only breaks in regard to what fills our day.  It is pretty crazy to think the end of July is here and there have been only a few days that most of us have been together in the morning.  It is great hearing what everyone has been doing... but it definitely makes me appreciate the times when we are together, doing what we do best- pushing each other to be better.

Monday, July 28, 2014

T-26 Days to FH...PREP Work!!!

Here we go... 26 days till Fittest Farmhand!
AOWR has not one, but TWO teams entered!!!
AUG. 23rd

Time to train!!! Let's be the best we can be (is there ever a time we don't try?!?!)

EVERYDAY you MUST either train form for Snatch &/or Clean...
What does this mean??? Choose some of the following EVERYDAY:
Sealfit Hip Mobility (Lungewalk-Duckwalk-Groiner)
HUG Hip Mobility (Sidewinder-Lunge-Prisioner[Sampson]-Pigeon)

Snatch Work (Pre/Post WOD)
OHS...3sec pause @ bottom
Burgener Warm-Up Progression (Snatch)
Pressing/Heaving Snatch Balance...Snatch Balance...Sotts Press
Hang Squat-Snatch

Clean Work (Pre/Post WOD)
Front Squats...(3sec pause @ Bottom)
Clean Progression (Shrug/Row/Muscle Clean/Propulsion)
3 DL + 3 Hang Squat-Clean + 3 Front Squats
3 DL + 3 Power Cleans + 3 Squat-Cleans
3 DL + 3 Hang Cleans + 3 Squat-Cleans

Warm-Up ~ Run + Burpees

Scissors Kick
5 RFT ~
7 Deadlift (275#/185#)
30 Air Squats

Front Squat
5 x 7, across

Ashley (Pro-Volley) ~ 9:47 (@45#/mod)
Drake ~ 11:35 (@225#)
Moon ~ 9:53 (@225#)
Des ~ 12:17 (@135# + bar push ups)
Witt ~ 11:26 (@65# + reg push ups)
Val ~ 11:17 (@155# + band) / emom for 7min- 1FS@155#
Syd ~ 11:34 / 205# (last set was 225#)
tb ~ 12:08 (25# Bumpers) / 185# (OHS)

Sunday, July 27, 2014

JAM!!! & then some...

Friday was the official finish of summer lifting for "the boys" (is it ever really over?!?!?)

Just ONE WEEK till Football starts... They can (and most will) still lift this week, but we broke down for the last Friday (TEAM Day) and did J.A.M. (Just A Mile)...

J.A.M. (Just A Mile ~ on the track)
For Time
400m (1 lap) Backward Run
400m Lungewalk (after 200m you could take 3 steps b/t)
400m Burpee Broad Jumps (after 200m you could take 3steps b/t)
400m Run

Hepp ~ ??
Val ~ modified a bit
tb ~ 29:??

Afterwards...we had the FB Alumni Golf Outing...many kids helped out at and we had over 25 4-somes participate...GREAT EVENT!

Came in for a quick little WOD and then decided to get some bodyweight work done!!! Since we started the week with the Coaches Challenge @ Iron River (100 Pull Ups, 200 Push Ups, 300 Air Squats) we decided to finish the week off with the same! Sort of...

Assault Ladder
For Time:
1,2,3...8,9,10 Pull Ups (Strict if you can)
6 HR Push Ups
9 Air Squats (Jumping if you want)
3 Pull Ups
2,4,6...16,18,20 HR Push Ups
9 Air Squats
3 Pull Ups
6 HR Push Ups
3,6,9...24,27,30 Air Squats

Ethan ~ 8:24 / 10:32 / 10:42 (35:38)
Val ~ 10:48 / 13:42(mod-2/6) / 10:30(mod-2/4) (41:00)
tb ~ 9:32 / 10:34 / 11:26 (37:32)

This little puppy was 115 Pull ups, 230 Push Ups and 345 Air Squats...
Son of a Gun! This better pay off for the Farmhand!!! Time to get into competition mode...just about a month away until we perform at our Fittest Farmhand Competiton... This year we are taking not one but TWO teams!!!
That is right...ANYthing Once will have two represented teams @ Fittest Farmhand!!! Lets get after it!
Ethan, Feidt, Britt & Des are AOWR #2!!! Love it!!!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

This was fun...

3 x 30s Hollow Hold on Hands & Feet (30s R b/t)
3 x 30s Arch Hold on Stomach (30s R b/t)
Leg Blaster

Work a bit of Pull Ups/Push Ups/TTB/GHD Sit Ups

Ball Slam Practice
For Time:
25 Ball Slam (40/30)
600m Run
20 Ball Slam
400m Run
15 Ball Slam
200m Run
10 Ball Slam

Feidt ~ 10min
Des ~ 11min
Syd ~ 9:54
Val ~ 11:48
tb ~ 11:03

Friday, July 18, 2014

Been a while...

This week has been hecktic ...
Lots of different WOD's by many different groups...

Britt & Des are back and at it... Britt is in at 6am giving it all he's got...
I have been picking and choosing some stuff...this week and next for more wrist rest...then ready or not! I am going to do cleans, snatches and OH work again!

Hepp & Syd are back in shape...look out!!!

For Reps:
1min Max Reps of:
Power Snatches (135#)
REST 1 Min
Clean & Jerks (155#)
REST 1 Min
Pull Ups
REST 1 Min
Deadlift (225#)

Good Life (past times HERE & HERE)
3 RFT ~
500m Row
12 Burpees
21 Box Jumps (24/20-games standards)

Syd ~ did all of it
Hepp ~ did all of it
tb ~ Good Life only ~ 10:35...huge PR from Here

Gone till next wednesday... IRON RIVER FB camp with the boys next M-W...
Football is here before we know it...time for some TEAM Bonding!!! Great times Up North!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014



Kids had a great WOD ~ 6 Intervals (Tabata)

Warm-up ~ 150 Air Squats

Satan's Whiskers
3RFT ~
10 C2B Pull Ups
10 Front Squat (165#/115#)
10 Burpees

50 Strict C2B...everytime you come off bar, perform 3 HSPU (strict if possible)

Ulrich ~ 7:32
Hepp ~ 6:??
tb ~ 6:16 / Did 18 Strict (9-9) then got preoccupied

Monday, July 14, 2014


African Water Basket Carry

Picture this...
A 2 hour ride from Nairobi to Kajeido, in a matatu. A van that crams 9 people in it. Highly unsafe but the everyday way of traveling in Kenya.
We have packs and a 6-liter pack of water (weighing 15-20 lbs) per person (Kate has a larger pack, of course... She is carrying us here in Africa).
Off the Mutatu in Kajeido, our house father is not going to be able to pick us up... A motorcycle ride or walk... We walk.
The Journey: 90min hill climb from town to home-stay.
With Jacob leading the pack, walking on a dirt road with ups and downs, and some definite sun.
JB asked a few times to switch packs with Kate, but she wasn't giving it up.... He was getting a bit irritated that another had more weight than him, yes..... He has been in many conversations on this trip about looking like superman and Kate wasn't letting him have anything super on this journey!
We pass a few schools, we are definitely the topic of conversation with us walking with all our stuff..... As we round the corner to our home, we have about 800m left. We enter through a gate of our home, hit the front patio area and sit... It was long! Felt like a pack mule. Our Maasai Grandma was definitely wondering what we were doing...she is about as traditional of a Maasai as you can get. Just one of the MANY adventures we have had together!!! Lots to share upon arrival!


Britt's WOD:
3 Rnds:
400m Run
25 Swings
25 Burpees
25 Pull Ups
25 Air Squats
25 K2E

Britt ~ ???
Des ~ ???
E ~ ???

Warm-Up ~ 60 or so Burpees

Strength ~ 5x7 Back Squat (across)

Sugar Daddy
Deadlift (225#/155#)
400m Run after every round

Hepp ~ ?? (@185#)
Syd ~ Around 8:00 (I think...) / Front Squats after 5x7
tb ~ 250# / 9:55

Played with 40# Ball Slams after

POST WOD ~ Connectivity:
2 x 30s each ~ Pike Stretch, Toe Touches, Handstand Hamstring Stretch
3 x 30s ~ Hollow Hold (lumbar must be on ground, once lumbar breaks, you are done w/ set)
Tabata ~ Hollow Rock

Friday, July 11, 2014

High Five!!!

Work on your weakness...well, my weakness...

Warm-Up ~ Get some pistols in!

5 x 800m Run
*3M REST b/t

We ran the 1st and 5th one together...2, 3, 4 were "work" runs...
Syd crushed it!
Syd ~ 3:24 / 3:25 / 3:30
Hepp ~ 3:40 / 3:44 / 3:45
tb ~ 3:38 / 3:34 / 3:28

Finished w/ pistols (from a bench)...

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Syd & Feidt did yesterdays WOD...

3 RFT ~
10 Clean & Jerks (135#)
400m Run

I know they were both under 10 minutes!

I was going to do a different WOD, then the cookie dough came in...

Today ~

Warm-Up ~ Leg Blaster & 50 Push Ups

Back Squat ~ 7x5, across

Sumo DL ~ Find 1RM

EMOM for 15:
6 Sumo DL (@60% of 1RM)
40s Hollow Hold (or as long as you can)
10 Strict TTB (scale accordingly, lower # w/ strict, or 10 kipping, or lower kipping)

Syd ~ ?? (did after) / 365# / EMOM Complete (225# for SDL)
Feidt ~ XX / 300# / EMOM Complete (185# for SDL)
tb ~ 265# / 315# / EMOM Complete (185 for SDL / held first 40s then had to break / 8 STRICT)

 Completed 50 more push ups after WOD...

Then did 1-10-1 of breathing Push Ups (this totals 100 BTW)...
*Perform 1 Push  Up, take one breath, perform 2 Push Ups, take two breaths, perform 3 Push Ups, take three breaths...continue up thru 10 Push Ups and start coming back down!
Took me 8 minutes...could have gotten 5-1 quicker, but wanted to stick with the breathing...

Monday, July 7, 2014

The Admiral (CFNE)

Warm-Up ~ Get Started on those Burpees!!! Get at least 50 in for a warm-up...those daring enough...get 100 in for the warm-up then perform the Admiral!!!

Back Squat (across)
5 x 7

Bench Press (climbing)
10 x 3

The Admiral
3 RFT ~
20 Burpee Pull Ups
20 Front Squats (155#/105#)
20 Box Jumps (24/20)

Syd ~ BS (@225#) / Bench (215#) / 20:44 (135#FS)
RV ~ Admiral Only ~ 26:00 (Burpees, 45# BS, 20"Step Ups) ~ Awesome work!!!
tb ~ 50 Burpee Warm-Up + Youth WOD / Admiral ~ 21:28 (185# HBBS)

I also did the Youth WOD (5-9th grade):
EMOM for 15 Min:
1st Min = 30 Air Squats
2nd Min = 10 HR Push Ups
3rd Min = 30s Plank Hold
Repeat for the 15 Minutes
(I did 10 Burpees rather than the 30 Air complete my 100 Burpees for the day!!!)

ALSO not realizing that I was going to perform the ADMIRAL w/ Syd for an additional 60 Burpees...

Friday, July 4, 2014


Did you just say 'Merica? is her birthday!!!

Syd was in early and did this:

Wall Balls
Power Snatch

Time is unknown but he was sweatin' a bunch...great work!!!
Nic is working hard and will be ready for the Farmhand!!!

The Rest of Us...the Other Guys!!!
Ethan, Hepp & tb

Warm-Up ~ Leg Blaster

CFHQ ~ 6.25.14
BWT Back Squat Ladder
5 Min REST
HSPU or Push Press Ladder
5 Min REST
1.5% BWT Deadlift Ladder
Ladder is adding a rep every minute on the minute...
We decided that we would start over @ 1 after failing try to get back to your failure...

Hepp ~ 7rnds + some extra reps (25+total @185#) / 9 rnds + 5reps (50 total@135) / Back was sore
E ~ 10rnds (55 total @185) / 10rnds + 5 reps (60 total-HSPU) / 6 rnds x 2 times!!! (42 total@275#)
tb ~ 11rnds + 2reps (68 total @ 190#) / 6rnds + 6 reps + 10 extra reps (37 total HSPU) / 8rnds + 6 reps (42 total @ 285#)


Thursday, July 3, 2014

3rd of July...

Looking forward to the 4th!!! Independence Day!
'Merica's birthday! More importantly it is FEIDT's Birthday!!!
Happy B-Day Fiedt!!! (tomorrow)

Feidt & tb

Warm-Up ~ 
10-1 TTB
1-10 Pistols (this will take care of your Pistols for the day)

4 Rnds for Time:
50 Cal. Row
40 GHD Sit Ups
30 Pull Ups

Feidt ~before Kids WOD ~ did FULL Warm-Up (plus a Mile before) then did 2-3 rnds of the WOD and said enough!
tb ~ After the kids WOD ~ did 3 rnds of the warm-up and realized that TTB would not be beneficial for the WOD (GHD Sit Ups) I just finished the 100 Pistols!
4 RNDS = 35:38! Just under 9 Min per round... 50 Cal Row was a bear! GHD's were not much easier

Syd did a full array of strength work

EMOM for 15:
1st Min = 7 OHS w/ 3 sec Oly Pause @ Bottom
2nd Min = 45s Plank Hold on Elbows
3rd Min = 7 Strict C2B (scale accordingly)
Repeat until 15 min is up (5 rounds)

Syd & Hepp both completed this WOD!!!

Kids did TEAM NUKEs (now named Independence Day by WR)
was AWESOME way to end the week with the kids!!!

Get your 100 Pistols in today!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Couple of WOD's

Youth FB camp was this week...M-W.
Trouble blogging and getting everything in.

As stated earlier...I am resting my wrist and this is causing me some serious anxiety about WOD's...Not being on a routine is tough. Following someone's programming is good! There is a science behind what they are doing, and asking us to do...even though we may not know it...


Warm Up ~ 100 Air Squats (part of the AOWR Summertime Challenge)

5 RFT ~
10 Power Cleans (135#/95#)
10 Burpees

Feidt ~ 10:00
Syd ~ 9:30
Both of these are approximats...I will update if they tell me exact times...or they will post them in comments

The Rest of Us...
4 RFT ~ 
50 Air Squats
40 Back Extensions
30 HR Push Ups

Hepp ~ 23:34
Ali ~ worked thru it with 30-20-10 for a while
Maddie ~ worked same as Ali for a while
tb ~ 22:22 (got in 200 of the 300 Air Squats on the day...NICE!)


Warm-Up ~ Leg Blaster

4 SETS of Bobby Maximus Push Up Routine
4 x 30s Work : 30s Rest (2min REST b/t SETS)

Boat Race
5 RFT ~
500m Row
400m Run

Feidt ~ 270 Total (71-67-65-67) / 23:13
Hepp ~ 228 Total (64-54-54-56) / 24:20

tb ~ 263 Total (73-65-63-62) / 6 x 400m Run E3MO3M = Completed

"Bobby Maximus" put all of us over the 200 Push Ups for todays challenge!