It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Burpees & STAMINA

3m Light Bike/Row
3 Alt. Spidey & Reach
4 Walkouts
5 Russian BB Makers
6 Wall Squats
7 Push Ups

5 Burpee Box Jump Overs (low intensity)
30s Rest
4 BBJO (med intensity)
30s Rest
3 BBJO (fast)

BBJO Baseline
AMRAP in 2:30 ~ Burpee Box Jump Overs
60s REST
AMRAP in 1:30 ~ BBJO
60s REST
AMRAP in :30 ~ BBJO
(24"/20" ~ Games Standards)

*Goal here is to go UB or utilize large sets w/ minimal rest (use the remainder of the 2m as rest vs. spreading the entire thing out)
Continuously Running Clock
3 Rnds ~
0-2 min ~ 24 Alt. DB Snatch (50/35 ~ games standards)
2-4 min ~ 24 Wall Balls (20/14)
4-5 min ~ MAX Bar Muscle Ups (use as many sets as needed)
5-6 min ~ REST

Johns ~ 19-11-6 (36) / XX
Z.Wendt ~ 30-20-11 (61) / 24's UB & 5-5-5 (15 Total Bar MU)
tb ~ 23-18-10 (51) / 24's UB & 10[5-3-2]-9[3-3-3]-8[3-3-2] (27 Total Bar MU)

OZ & Casey
FSquat ~

Baseline STRICT Pull Ups
5 Rnds ~ MAX STRICT Pull Ups (OTM)

OTM x 12
1 ~ 21 Cal Row
2 ~ 18 Cal Row
3 ~ 15 Cal Row
4 ~ REST

Casey ~ 7-3-3-3-3 (19 STRICT PU) / Stamina completed
Oz ~ 8-4-4-5-6 (27 STRICT PU) / Stamina completed

Oz did not like this today...due to no winner... BUT, could count the Strict PU "test" as a competition...Then we have a winner...
Competition only makes us better...throw those strict PU's in with an 800m run between and Casey has a chance...w/o it...Oz wins in the strength (pulling) department...
But he is correct...this stamina building stuff just does not allow for great competition... Just good GRIND, which the mind needs every once in a while as well...

There is no just and saving God but me. ~ The Lord to Isaiah (as read in the book of Isaiah ch. 45)

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