It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Monday, June 18, 2018


New progression in programing...
Just as the name implies...this is going to be a grinder for the remainder of the summer...
Get better at pure work...
We will utilize some of the new-found (or lost) strength from Silverback.
Now we focus on "getting-through"...grin & bear it...grind...whatever you want to call it...
Time to go!!!
Mon ~ Snatch Tech + Squat Stamina + Odd-Object
Tue ~ Gymnastics + Conditioning + Aerobic Capacity
Wed ~ BB Cycling + Conditioning + Midline
Thur ~ REST
Fri ~ Clean & Jerk + Heavy Squat + Conditioning
Sat ~ Long Conditioning + Accesories

3min Rowing (40s easy...20s ramp up the intensity x 3)
3 Rnds (30s ea)
Alt. Sampson Stretch
Glute Bridge
Alt Spidey & Reach
Good AM's
3 Rnds (5 reps each)
Snatch Grip BB Warm Up
Good AM's
Back Squat
Strict Press
Stiff-Leg DL
45# / 45# / 55-65#
Pause OHS
5 x 2 (2s pause at Rock Bottom)
Snatch Balance
5 x 3
Hang Snatch High-Pull
5 x 4
Pause High-Hang Snatch
7 x 1 (2s Pause @ High-Hang Position...DO not use momentum...think Speed under the bar)
Work to Mod. Wt in Pause HH Snatch
OTM x 10m (5 Rnds)
odd = 12/9 Cal Bike
even = 12 Back-Rack BB Reverse Lunge (climb w/ wt.)
3 Rnds (Not for time)
200m Sled Drag
21 Wall Balls (30/20)
21 Wt. Hip Ext (25#)

Val ~ worked thru stuff
Syd ~ worked thru stuff
Z.Wendt ~ Lunges = 135-155-165-175-185
tb ~ 145# Pause HH Snatch / 95-115-135-155-165 / no odd object today...
Merciless is the judgment on the man who has not shown mercy; but mercy triumphs over judgment.

1 comment:

  1. sb - 95# PHHS / 65-75-85-95-105 / subed 25ft walking lunge for sled pull(no sled). Broke up wall balls 20# and hip ext.25# into 7-7-7 with 3 breaths in between. Really focused on form and controll.
