It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Monday, June 25, 2018

How'd YOU do...

Keep the work hard and intense...Let's get better today!!!

At VERY low intensity...
400m Jog
5 Spidey & Reach (ea way)
300m Jog
5 Walkouts
200m Jog
5 Good AM + 5 Stiff-Leg DL + 5 DL (barbell)
2 Rnds ~ 
5 Scap Retractions
5 Kip Swings 
1-3 Strict Pull Ups
30 D/U
Spend 3-5 more minutes warming up shoulders...
Whatever you feel you need for Bar MU...
BAR Muscle Ups
Max Set of Bar Muscle Ups*
*scale to STRICT C2B, Kipping C2B, Strict Pull Ups, Kipping Pull Ups
Gym + DL
OTM x 12 (6 sets):
E = Max STRICT HSPU (in 45s)
O = DL (climbing - sets = 5-5-4-4-3-3)
Record TOTAL # of HSPU & Heaviest 3-Rep DL
Scale HSPU to Strict DB press if needed)
DETENTION (done HERE before)
AMRAP in 12min:
6 DB Push Press (50/35)
9 Deadlift (225/155)
30 D/U
AEROBIC Conditioning 
3 Rnds
60s +12s on 500m
60s +7s on 500m
60s +3s on 500m
60s REST
5 Rnds of 35s Work...25s great pace

C.Drake ~ 5rnds + 15 reps
Tonn ~ 4 (C2B) / 53 (banded HSPU) / 165# DL / ?? (25#DB / 95DL)
Lizzy ~ 6 (kipping) / 53 (20# DB) / 200# DL / ?? (30#DB / 95DL)
Z.Wendt ~ 5 BMU / 36 HSPU / 365# DL / 7rnds + 4 PP...Big PR!!! 
tb ~ 12 BMU / 30 HSPU / 335# DL / 8rnd + 6 PP
HSPU = 7-5-6-5-3-4... Stayed on the 90s mark as long as I could in the WOD...pacing was really good for me!
God is good!!! Give him praise...


  1. AWESOME job Z.Wendt and t.b. on DETENTION. You both smoked what you did last time on this wod. Looking forward to knocking it out tonight. The bar is set high.

  2. High bars are meant to be gone over.
    sb - 13 c2b (can't make the transition yet on mu)
    44 HSPU / 255# DL / 8rnds + 3 deads (40# - 185# - 60 s.u.)
    HSPU = 8-8-7-7-6-8. 90 second pacing was great advice tb.

    I will say this. Some days our bodies just don't feel right, which can lead to negative thoughts (satin). But a strong mind can battle those thoughts and over come. I never expected the results i got today with how my body feels. Thanks tb and comptrain.

  3. High bars are meant to be gone over.
    sb - 13 c2b (can't make the transition yet on mu)
    44 HSPU / 255# DL / 8rnds + 3 deads (40# - 185# - 60 s.u.)
    HSPU = 8-8-7-7-6-8. 90 second pacing was great advice tb.

    I will say this. Some days our bodies just don't feel right, which can lead to negative thoughts (satin). But a strong mind can battle those thoughts and over come. I never expected the results i got today with how my body feels. Thanks tb and comptrain.

  4. Nice work!!! You got after it today!!!
    GREAT work as well with the 40# and 185#!
