It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

A few more WOD's

This week has been a busy week to say the least...
VB Camp...
FB Camp...
BB Camp...
First week of the weight room...

ALL GREAT STUFF...To be this busy is fantastic, but it leaves little time to get the blog and workouts up...not to mention, get the workouts IN!!!

We did fit some in throughout the week however...
Here are some, and the results that I have...
If you did something...or I miss it, post to comments...

"STRICT" Nicole
AMRAP in 20 Min:
400m Run
Max Reps of Unbroken** STRICT* Pull Ups
*scale as needed, if you do not have many strict pull ups in your bag keep kipping
**When you let go of the bar, next round (400m) begins...

Val ~ 5 Rnds + 400m Run, 3 Pull Ups (50 Total Pull Ups)
tb ~ 5 Rnds + 400m Run (60 Total Pull Ups)
E ~ 7 Rnds (50 Total Pull Ups)

Wed = Rest

Thursday ~ TEAM WOD Day...
Teams of 3 (if you have them)
AMRAP in 7 Min:
50 Thrusters (95/65)
50 Thrusters (115/80)
Max Thrusters (135/95)
~ 3 Min REST
AMRAP in 7 Min:
50 Hang Power Clean (135/95)
50 Hang Power Clean (155/115)
Max Hang Power Cleans (185/135)
~ 3 Min REST
AMRAP in 7 Min:
50 Deadlifts (185/135)
50 Deadlifts (225/155)
Max DL (275/185)

Val, Halbs, tb ~ Thrusters = 40 / HPC = 31 / (Val gone, 35-30-Max) DL = 52

Harley Love
6 Rnds
13 Thrusters (115/80)
14 C2B

tb ~ 18:05
Val ~ 18:30

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