It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Clean this up!!!


3min Light Bike
3 Rnds
3 Spidy & Reach + 5 Push Ups + 3 Walkouts + 5 Pause Wall Squats

BB Warm-Up

1 Max Att. @ STRICT HSPU

Front Squat
Every 90sec begin:
5 @ 65%
3 @ 70%
1 @ 75%
5 @ 65%
3 @ 70%
1 @ 80%
5 @ 65%
3 @ 70%
1 @ 85%

Clean Complex
7 Sets of the following complex:
2 x Pausing Clean DL + Power Clean
Begin @ 40% and slowly climb

4 Rnds of 3 Minute Work Window
7 Power Cleans (165/110)
21/15 Cal Bike
Max Cal Row w/ remaining time
1 Minute Rest b/t Rounds

Halbur ~ did the work... used rower w/o the monitor
Jones ~ Worked it
STAN ~ CF ~ 16-13-19-20 (68 total Cals)
tb ~ 190-205 & 220-235-250 / 100-135-135-145-165-185-205 / 26-27-17-22 (92 Total Cals)

Next week schedule (for anyone interested):
M = 8am
T = 8am 12 Days of Christmas WOD
W = 9am
R = 9am (Sentry Classic BB / Hockey Holiday Tourny- Dells)
F = ?? 9am  (Sentry Classic BB / Hockey Holiday Tourny- Dells)

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