It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Monday, March 26, 2018


One and Done...
At the WFCA Coaches Clinic Thursday-Friday-Saturday...
Home on Sunday...
Normally, I would have tried to join someone's Friday Night Lights...but I was tired from the clinic (late nights visiting and "clinic" work with fellow coaches) comes down to this...

18.5 is 12.5 is 11.6...
Now we did 12.5 (here) even though were were not IN THE OPEN in 2012 (2013 was our first year joining it, BTW)

3 Rnds (low intensity)
1m Bike
5 Scap Retractions + 1-2 strict Pull Ups
7 Push Ups
10 Slow Air Squats
2 Rnds:
30s Warriors
30s Sampson (15s ea)
30s Walkouts
3 Rnds:
5 Thrusters (45/35)
1-3 Pull Ups
2 Rnds (1/2 working wt)
4 Thrusters (80/55)
1-3 C2B Pull Ups
2 Rnds:
3 Thrusters (135/95)
3 C2B Pull Ups
REST 3-5 Minutes....

AMRAP in 7min:
3-6-9...ascending by 3's...
Thrusters (100#/65#)
C2B Pull Ups

BE METHODICAL...break PU not hold breath on PU or Thrusters...BREATH!!!
Goal was 3 & 6 in 60s...9's done by 2m...12's finished in 2m (by the 4m mark)...then chip away at the 15' yourself a chance at some thrusters in the Rnd of 18!!!
Completing 18 Thrusters will be a goal for NEXT open season...I watched a video of Brooke Wells finishing her set of 12's in 1:50...WOW!!! My goal is to be able to get Thrusters & Pull Ups (30 reps) in 2min or less... 3 x 10 / 3-6-9-12 / 15-15 / 5 x 6 / etc.

A.Johns ~
Z.Wendt ~ 99 Reps... improved from 86 reps from Friday...
tb ~ 99 Reps... PR...better by 3 reps... Happy!

Grace to you and Peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!

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