It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Friday, March 23, 2012

12.5 OPEN UP

Professional Day WOD

600m Run
20 Jumping Lunges
100' Standing Broad Jumps
20 Shoulder Press (45#/35#)

12.5 Crossfit OPEN WOD
As far as Possible in 7 Minutes:
Thrusters (100#/65#)
C2B Pull Ups (mod=Pull Ups/bands/etc)

STAN ~ (75#) 12 + 3 Pull Ups
Feidt ~ 12 + 6 Thrusters
Avalanche ~ 12 + 7 Pull Ups (great C2B!!!)
Krommy ~ 12 + 4 Pull Ups
Britt ~ (80#) 15!
Desi ~ (55#) 12 + 15 Thrusters
tb ~ 15 + 6 Thrusters (Great Help by Bertag & Stan)

Coaches/Trainers/Friends/Positive Peer Pressure
Doing WOD's together is awesome...Community, competition, motivation is what this is all about. When you can push one another (coach,motivate,etc) even better...
Today, I went after everyone else...Jacob & Stan were pushing me, coaching me, counting for me, not letting me take to long of breaks...This can be (and was) a big help!
We are (can be) our own worst enemies...The "little guy" on your shoulder telling you to slow down, take it easy, you need air, etc wants to get in your head! Mental Toughness is tough to get on your own...IT TAKES OTHERS TO HELP YOU! They can break you thru barriers...Let them!



  1. Awesome article!!

  2. Love It.

    "When you start to lose yourself, leave and go find the you you're losing."
    Great way to start the AZ excursion.. there is something about being here that feels free. ANYthing is possible. So time for some soul searching and busting back into the positive, happy, good juju, see the good in everything and everyone person..

  3. I dont know where to post my away from the crew workouts so I will just piggyback them as comments. Thanks Tony, for the list of workouts, I let the kids pick out todays. My eight year old kicked ass.
    800 m run
    75 squats
    50 situps.
    The boys did 400 m run, 50 squats and 25 situps.
    Cade--8yearold future dback/tailback 24 minutes.
    Austin--11 year old tank future dtackle/gaurd-25 minutes
    Dad--40 year old, douschebag-28 minutes.
    The squats were grueling, and doing it in the afternoon with food in the stomach compared to the am is not as much fun. Cade was giving high fives, first time he did a workout with taking asthma medication first and made a huge difference. I hope Val is taking at least one mental picture a day for me out in the canyon.
    Impossible is Nothing..... Tomorrow is another day.
