It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Friday, March 9, 2012

F'd Up Friday

Get what you need out of the workout!

Work HARD!

I was not trying to show anyone up by doing Squat-Cleans this AM...I hope no one took it that way!

I got mad at myself for being lazy and doing G2O while watching Desi do real nice Clean & Jerks (I told her how to do them, then proceeded to try to compete with Jacob and got sloppy!)

Also, I was going to do 135# (Jacob did for his 5 & 10 set...tough guy) and Steven Hepp hit me with a dose of reality!!! Which made me more upset when I was trying to go too fast rather than focus on form!


50 Jumping Jax
1-2 sets of BB Complex
6 each of:
DL/Up. Row/Sqt-Clean/Front Squat/Push Press/Back Squat

Clean & Jerk form

WOD ~ 
1 Mile Run
5 Clean & Jerk (115# / 85#)
800m Run
10 C & J
400m Run
15 C & J
200m Run
20 C & J

Britt ~ 23:01
Krom ~ 25:39
Maloney ~ 24:26 (85#/75#)
T-Lev ~ 22:55
Hepp ~ 23:55
Feidt ~ 28:48
Avalanche ~ ??? (135# / 115#)
Desi ~ 28:08 (75#)
tb ~ 30:48

If you didn't yesterday...READ TODAY!
I do not know any arrogance in this group!  You all are extremely motivating to me! Genuine concern and caring for one another while making yourselves better every time we get together!


Nic was hoping I had left at to track before he got back from the weight room... NOPE!
We did it Rx'd and rocked it!

Nic:  24:08
Val:  24:33

HappY FrIdAY!!!

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