Mobilize ~
Thoracic Roll
Internal Rot. Couch
Low Intensity
250m Row
40 Singles
15 Cal Bike
40 Singles
250m Row
Mod. Intensity
150m Row
15 D/U
10 Cal Bike
15 D/U
150m Row
High Intensity
100m Row
10 D/U
5 Cal Bike
10 D/U
100m Row
The following is about the D/U' can you coordinate yourself under fatigue/stress...take a clearing breath and get after it... Get as large of sets as you can, but keep them managable enough so 3-5 breaths and you are back at it...
10-15 seconds faster on the rower is lost in 1 extra trip on the D/U's... KEEP THAT IN MIND WHEN YOU DECIDE TO PUSH THE ROW!!!
You could literally slow your row by 30-45 sec if you can go unbroken or 1 miss on D/U's when fresh and save yourself time...3-5 misses on D/U's lose any advantage you think you are getting on a fast row
FULL CIRCLE (12.11.17 HERE / 12.7.16 HERE)
For Time:
1500m Row
100 D/U
30/21 Cal Bike (50/35 Cal on Airdyne)
100 D/U
1500m Row
~ in the past this was a 50/35 Cal bike... today we did 30/21 as prescribed!!!)
If you are not going to bike... 50 Squat Jumps w/ a 20# med-ball for men / 14# for women is sub)
A.Johns ~ 22:16 (200singles)
Z.Wendt ~ 19:01 (Rows = 5:54 / 6:01)
tb ~ 17:48 ( Rows = 5:44.3 / 5:44.7 / Bike = 2:05 / DU = 28-32-40 / 40-40-20
Let all the earth cry out to God with joy!
sb-18:58:47 (rows = 6:04 / 6:02 / bike = 2:00 / su = 200 / 200