It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Full Tilt...

Mobilize ~
Thoracic Roll
Internal Rot. Couch
Low Intensity
250m Row
40 Singles
15 Cal Bike
40 Singles
250m Row
Mod. Intensity
150m Row
15 D/U
10 Cal Bike
15 D/U
150m Row
High Intensity
100m Row
10 D/U
5 Cal Bike
10 D/U
100m Row
The following is about the D/U' can you coordinate yourself under fatigue/stress...take a clearing breath and get after it... Get as large of sets as you can, but keep them managable enough so 3-5 breaths and you are back at it...
10-15 seconds faster on the rower is lost in 1 extra trip on the D/U's... KEEP THAT IN MIND WHEN YOU DECIDE TO PUSH THE ROW!!!
You could literally slow your row by 30-45 sec if you can go unbroken or 1 miss on D/U's when fresh and save yourself time...3-5 misses on D/U's lose any advantage you think you are getting on a fast row

FULL CIRCLE (12.11.17 HERE / 12.7.16 HERE)
For Time:
1500m Row
100 D/U
30/21 Cal Bike (50/35 Cal on Airdyne)
100 D/U
1500m Row
~ in the past this was a 50/35 Cal bike... today we did 30/21 as prescribed!!!)
If you are not going to bike... 50 Squat Jumps w/ a 20# med-ball for men / 14# for women is sub)

A.Johns ~ 22:16 (200singles)
Z.Wendt ~ 19:01 (Rows = 5:54 / 6:01)
tb ~ 17:48 ( Rows = 5:44.3 / 5:44.7 / Bike = 2:05 / DU = 28-32-40 / 40-40-20

Let all the earth cry out to God with joy!

1 comment:

  1. sb-18:58:47 (rows = 6:04 / 6:02 / bike = 2:00 / su = 200 / 200
