Getting the post up has been hecktic the past few days...The new Silverback WOD is not matching up with the young studs CompTrain Regular WOD, so much...
Sorry I have not put up Oz and Casey's WOD... I will do better with that!
Added Monday HERE
Casey & Oz
Back Squat ~ 10-8-6-4-2
~ Rest 2m b/t Sets
OTM x 14min (7 Rnds)
O = 15 Cal Row
E = 30s MAX Med Ball Squat Cleans
NO Scores listed...
1-2 Rnds (low intensity, walkthru pace) ~
12 Cal Bike + 6 Push Ups + 6 Air Squats + 6 Wall Squats + 16 Pike Sit Ups
9 Cal Bike + 5 Walkouts
6 Cal Bike + 5 Good AM's + 5 Strict Press + 5 Stiff-Leg DL + 5 DL
4 x 6 (accross)
*Did this last week...add a bit if you can
(form & tech work)
OTM x 10min:
1 Snatch High Pull
2 Hang Power Snatches
(increase load every 2 rnds)
(emphasis is on tech, speed and form)
EMOM x 14 (7 Rnds):
Odd = 14/10 Cal Bike (sub Row if needed OR 45-50s bike if no cals on bike)
Even = 30s MAX Alt. DB Snatch (50/35)
Get after the Alt. DB the transition, touching ground everytime...working for the heavier wt & less reps is more important here than the volume of reps
A.Johns ~ 65# / 45-95# / 89 Reps (20# DB / 15-12-12-14-12-12-12)
D.Rickaby ~ 85# / 75-95# / 83 Reps (35# DB / 11-15-12-11-13-13-8)
Z.Wendt ~ 105# / 75-75-85-95-115# / 101 Reps (14-14-15-16-14-14-15)
tb ~ 125# / 95-95-115-125-135 / 103 Reps (13-14-15-15-15-15-16)
Fortes in fide
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