It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Muscle Monday...

Time to get strong...
4th week on this cycle...
Last week of the 6-4-2 iteration of Squat Waves...
Get after the warm-up today...should make you sweat!!!

2 Rnds ~
10 Spidey & Reach
10 Side Plank Reach Thru's
10 Downward Dog Toe Slaps
10 Kneeling Thoracic Rotations
10 Tempo Air Squats
60s Sampson Stretch (30s ea)
2 Rnds Strict Cindy*
60s Russian BB Makers
2 Rnds Strict Cindy*
*15 Air Squats was subbed with 15 BB Thrusters @ 45#
Adductor Work (video / exercises/reps below)
2m Paleo Chair
2 x 10 Side Slides (2 each way)
2 x 10 Single Leg Sqts w/ leg out to side (ea way)
(use a support if needed)
2 x 10 Tempo Air Squats
Every 3 minutes:
6 @ 71%
4 @76%
2 @ 81%
6 @ 76%
4 @ 81%
2 @ 86%
6 @ 81%
4 @ 86%
2 @ 91%
(OR Move up 5-10# From last week ~ HERE)
Body Armour
Part #1:
EMOM x 10 (alt. minutes / 5 Rnds):
7 Push Press
7 Deadlifts (no belt)
Should be STRONG & HEAVY

Part #2:
3 GIANT Sets:
100m OH KB Carry (50m each arm)
10 Inverted BB Row
50 Banded Pull Aparts
(2m Rest b/t Sets)

Daliege ~ Warm-Up & EMOM x 10...
A.Johns ~ 135-145-155/140-150-160/165-175-185
tb ~ 225-240-255/240-255-270/255-270-285 / DL=205-225-235-235-235 / PP=135-145-155-165-175(missed 7th) /  55KB

This is the one whom I approve: the afflicted one, crushed in spirit, who trembles at my word.

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