It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Saturday WOD + SNOW!

Memorial Day Murph...
Registering and getting signed up is not required to participate...(anyone can do Murph)...
if you want to get registered "officially" AND donate to the cause...
Go HERE (and don't forget to use CrossFit WR as your affiliate!!!)

We will be doing Memorial Day Murph on May 28th (Memorial Day)...
Start the day out nice with some running and bodyweight exercises! was  a crap-shoot...First I sent the text that I was NOT going, then some still wanted to I went did some others...AND it was brutal out!
The smart move would have been to stay in, but we got the WOD done, and Casey got Reset (RPR)!

Now let's see how the knee feels...

2min of the Greatest Stretch (the Reach in Spidey and Reach)
10 Side Plank Reach Thrus
10 Kneeling Thoracic Rotations
10 Downward Dog Toe Slaps
10 Tempo Air Squats
Get the Bars & Wts out to gym...
BB Warm-Up
BB ONLY (45#)
50m Run + 3 Clean & Jerks
50m Run + 3 Snatches 
50m Run + 3 Thrusters
Just lighter Wt. than normal
Same as above w/ 30s REST b/t
With a Running Clock...
0:00-10:00 ~
Run 1 Mile and with remaining time, perform:
Max Reps Clean & Jerks (135/95)
~ 3 Min Rest
13:00-20:00 ~
Run 800m and with remaining time, perform:
Max Reps Power Snatch (115/80)
~ 3 Min Rest
23:00-27:00 ~
Run 400m and with remaining time, perform:
Max Reps Thrusters (95/65)

S.Brehm ~ 18 Reps (@95#) / 36 Reps (80#) / 31 Reps (@65#)
Drake ~ 22 Reps / 25 Reps / 28 Reps...This was Rx BTW...last time was not...
tb ~ 12 Reps / 26 Reps / 22 Reps (1600m Run=8:45)
breakdown of rep schemes ~ 6+1's / 7-1-1-1-6-1-1-1-2-5 / 9+6+7

These two SOB's lapped me on the Mile an ALMOST got me on the 800m...Did all I could with a Run-Walk to stay ahead of them in the 800m!!! Great pacing by them & I will continue to work on the running, but we all know that my running is not great...and you can hear me coming from a mile away!

"None of us lives as his own master and none of us dies as his own master." ~ Romans 14:7


  1. Drake and i had 7:23 on the mile i believe. Breakdown reps for me. 5-5-5-1-1-1, 10-10-5-5-6, 10-10-5-6. Rx would have crushed me today. Hopefully in time in will be able to do Rx in some w/O's. Great job both of you.

  2. After t.b.'s and my conversation about recovery, I went back and looked at my last 6 weeks to find 4 out of the 6 I had only 2 days recovery and the other 2 weeks I had 3 days recovery. My performance was much better those 2 weeks with 3 days of recovery. I need to start being smarter overall to get the best performance out of this old beaten up body for the long haul. If I only take 2 days for recovery I need to scale back on intensity and duration at least on one other day. More of an active recovery day.
