It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Good Day Mate!

2 Rnds:
10 Spidey & Reach
10 Side-Plank Reach Thrus
10 Down Dog Toe Slaps
10 Kneeling Thoracic Rot.
10 Tempo Air Squats
2 Rnds ~
3 Scap Ret + 3 Strict Pull Ups
6 Russian BB
9 Wall Squats
12 Sit Ups
2 Rnds ~
30s Wall Facing Handstand
30s Superman Hold
30s Side Plank (15 ea)
30s Front Rack Hold
AMRAP in 20min:
200m Run
20/14 Cal Row
2 Rnds STRICT Cindy (5 Strict PU + 10 HR Push Ups + 15 Air Squats)
* if you cannot get 5 strict PU, ajust to 3 or do banded... DO NOT make the workout about the Pull Ups...IT IS ABOUT THE TEMPO...keeping yourself moving!!!
200m Run counts as 1 Rep! / 1 Cal = 1 Rep

Z.Wendt ~ 3 Rnds + 36 Reps (10 Push Ups on 1st rnd)
tb ~ 4 Rnds (4:20-9:26-14:49-19:40...not enough time for 200m run)

My son, to my words be attentive, to my sayings incline your ear. ~ Proverbs 4:20

1 comment:

  1. sb - 4Rnds +8reps (rows=1:17,1:12,1:12 & 1:07)
