It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Monday Strong!

Time to get STRONG...well...sort of for me!
VERY Strong for Autumn and Zach!!! But the comeback is on for me...
Left groin/leg is crap still back from Thanksgiving...
The groin just burns...cannot even get a pistol with the left, but never see the compensation when doing double-leg work...

I think just volume of squats (and focus) to get it back...biggest part will be TIME and Patience...

1-2 min of Paleo Chair
2 Rnds of SmashweRX Warm Up
2 Rnds of Strict Cindy
60s Russian BB
2 Rnds Strict Cindy
60s LaX Ball foot smash (each foot)
BB Warm-UP
2 Sets (rest 2min b/t)
10 Front Rack Step Ups
7 BB Rollouts
WAVE SQUAT (Back Squat)
On the 3 minutes:
5-3-1 rep scheme
75-80-85-80-85-90-85-90-95 (%)
Rest 2min after last one then...
15 Front Squat @ 53% of Back Sqt Max
Body Armour
2-3 Rnds ~
Max Reps Strict Pull Ups
20 DBL KBS (Russian or eye level)
20 DBL KB Step-Back Lunges
20 Glute Bridges

A.Johns ~ 155-165-175-165-175-185-175-185-195 / 15 @ 105
Z.Wendt ~ 285-305-325-305-325-345-325-345-365
tb ~ 240-255-275-255-275-285 / 2x15 @175

1 comment:

  1. Did front squats yesterday so I didn't do the above work out.
    5-6-18 sb - front squats 3-3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1: 105-115-125-135-145-155-165-175-185 then 3 rnds of: 5 bear complex (65lbs) / 10 o.h. walking lunges (25lbs) / 15 k.b. swings

    5-7-18 sb - Strength 2 attempts at max unbroken set of strict press (50% max) 60 lbs 16 - 18 reps
    then: 3 cycles: 6 min AMRAPS of 5 push press (95 lbs) / 7 box jumps (24") / 9 k2e / 11 sdhp (35 lbs k.b.) 2 min rest between each round and start each round where you left off. 3+5, 3+5, 3+17...
