It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Friday, June 29, 2018


Let's get "comfortable being uncomfortable"...

Workouts are uncomfortable...not painful! So let's get uncomfortable!

2m Light Bike
5 Strict Pull Ups
10 HR Push Ups
15 OHS
30s Sampson (ea way)
5 Kip Swings
2-3 Kipping Pull Ups
60s Mod Bike
5 Snatch-Grip Stiff-Leg DL
5 S-G DL
5 Hang Snatch High Pulls
45s Mod Bike
5 S-G Bhnd Neck Press
5 S-G Bhnd Neck Push Jerk
5 Hang Muscle Snatches
5 Hang Pwr Snatches
30s Fast Bike
2 Hang Pwr Snatches
2 Pwer Snatches
5 Pausing OHS
3 Hang Squat Snatches
Take 15min to work to 1-RM of OHS
Take 15min to to 1-RM of Split Jerk
For Time:
20 Power Snatches (95#/65#)
20 Barbell Facing Burpees
20 OHS (95#/65#)
20 Barbell Facing Burpees
20 Squat Snatches (95#/65#)

Casey ~ 155# / XX / Around 9min... Clock stopped at 8m w/ 8 Sqt Snatch to go
Syd ~ (did Tue @ 115#/50#) 12:30
Tonn ~ 125# / 115# / 9:58 (55#)
Z.Wendt ~ 233# / 233# / 8:50
tb ~ 205# / XX / 9:05
Started out day B-A-D...shoulder was NOT going to have any heavy OHS or Split Jerk...
Just did 225# OHS for 3 on today 205 is it...funky stuff...
ZW was the pusher in todays WOD! Was great to have him...thought I might catch him at the end, but to no avail... HE had a great day... PR's in Split Jerk and the WOD!!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Get Heavy!

ANOTHER new Benchmark WOD from CFNE (Comptrain)...
Big Bang...HERE

Going to be intense after the last couple days!

Mobilize (5-10min)
4 Rnds ~ 
50s Light Bike
10s Fast Bike
3 Walkouts
4 Spidey & Reach (ea way)
5 Pausing Glute Bridge (2s @ Top)
6 Pausing Hip Ext. (2s @ ext)
w/ Barbell
8 Good AM's
8 Stiff-Leg DL
8 Muscle Cleans
Light Barbell (add 5-10#)
6 Good AM's 
6 Clean Pulls
6 Hang Power Cleans
7 Sets:
1x Pause Power Clean (3 pauses)
(2s Pause @ Knee + Mid-Thigh + Catch Position)
Rest as needed b/t sets / Climb as high as you can maintaining great form
For Time (8m Time-Cap):
50 Power Cleans*
*Games = 225#/155#
*Regionals = 205#/145#
*Open = 185#/135#
This should be HEAVIER than your "Grace" Bar (30 C&J)! Pick a weight that you can Clean 5+ Reps UB when fresh, but may NOT get 10+ Reps UB... There is a tricky stimulus here!!! Faster Singles are a good way to go w/in this WOD...even then, there will be times where you will need more of a break...BUT...RESTING 20-30 seconds is a waste of effort as well...
JUST b/c you CAN get some UB, does not mean you should, if that causes you to rest too much before beginning again...

The 8-minute cap is essential... IF you do not complete the reps by 8m mark, then add the # of reps to 8minutes...example ~ If you completed 45 reps at the 8min mark...your score is 8:05... DO NOT "JUST FINISH" this workout... There is a timecap for a reason!

With a constantly running clock (25min) take 5min at each exercise to find a HEAVY load:
Bench Press ~ 9 Reps
STRICT DB Shoulder Press ~ 7 Reps
DB Single Leg Stiff-Leg DL ~ 5 Reps (each side)
Weighted Pull Ups ~ 3 Reps
Turkish Get-Up ~ 1 Rep (ea side)

Syd ~ ??? (@155#) Thur (6.28.18)

Tonn ~ 5:28 (95#) / no body armour today...
Lizzy ~ 7:15 (115#) / ?? on the Body Armour...did it, but I don't know the wts
Z.Wendt ~ 7:52 (185#) / 155# / 45# / ?? / ?? / 50#
tb ~ 5:45 (185#) / 215# BP / 45# Seated (floor) / 45# SLDL / 70# Pull / 70# TGU
Know and fix in your heart, that the Lord is God in the heavens above and on earth below, and that there is no other.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018


Some days you get PR's others, you feel like you failed miserably!
That is called LIFE!!! Get use to it, rebound, stay focused and positive and keep bringing your best effort...
If you give your best effort, you have nothing to be ashamed of...the KEY is that ONLY YOU (and the Lord) know if you truly gave your best effort.

Can we always improve? Yes...there is only one person/being that cannot...GOD! He is PERFECT. We are keep trying to get better!

3m Row (40s easy, 20s faster)
3 Rnds:
30s Alt. Sampson Stretch
30s Glute Bridge
30s Spidey & Reach
30s Good AM's
Snatch-Grip BB Warm UP
5 Good AM's
5 Back Squats
5 Elbows
5 Strict Press
5 Stiff-Leg DL
Rest a bit & Repeat 2 more times...add 5-10# for 3rd set
A) 5 x 2 Behind Neck Snatch-Grip Strict Press
B) 5 x 3 Bhnd Neck Snatch-Grip Push Jerk
C) OTM x 8 ~ Hang Power Snatch (3reps for 1-5, 2 reps for 6-8)
Alternate OTM x 12 (6 sets):
E = 12 GHD Sit Ups (no GHD ~ 16 Abmat SU)
O = 3 Reps OHS (from Rack, work to heavy)
21 Front Squats (135/95)
21 KBS (70/50)
400m Run
15 Front Squats (135/95)
15 KBS (70/50)
400m Run
9 Front Squats (135/95)
9 KBS (70/50)
400m Run
Stimulus-wise...we are looking for a wt that you "could" get 21 reps UB in the first set. 
Goal is to go UB in all sets, with at the very MOST one break during the weighted exercises...
Just because you have a great run, but break every round of Squats and Swings is NOT the stimulus...Push the weights, but not so much as to make this a strength workout...
3 Sets (Not for time):
200m DBL DB Walk
1st 50m = Left Hand Overhead / Right Hand Hang
2nd 50m = Left Hand Hang / Right Hand Overhead
3rd 50m = Front Rack Position w/ Both
4th 50m = Double Overhead Position
(let me tell you...the last 50m will be tough!!!)
REST AS NEEDED B/T the 200m...
Do not break during the workout(200m)...
we walked 50m back and forth...
Casey did 2 x 25m to accomplish 50m each in wt. room...
STAY MOVING and put your mind somewhere other than the pain! Mental Toughness Here!!!

Casey ~ 11:27 (3 laps in FH)
Lizzy ~ A)70# / B)90# / C)?? / OHS = ?? / 11:?? / Complete w/ 20# DB's
Z.Wendt ~ A)105# / B)155# / C)155# / OHS = 225# / 10:33 / Complete w/ 40# DB's
tb ~ A)125# / B)165# / C)165# / OHS = 225# / 13:22 / Complete w/ 35# DB's
HPS ~ 95-105-115-125-135-145-155-165 / OHS ~ 135-155-185-205-225-225
Yesterday...on top of the dose of reality... Running is NOT my recovery!!! 2:30-3min per 400m...S-L-O-W!!!

Monday, June 25, 2018

How'd YOU do...

Keep the work hard and intense...Let's get better today!!!

At VERY low intensity...
400m Jog
5 Spidey & Reach (ea way)
300m Jog
5 Walkouts
200m Jog
5 Good AM + 5 Stiff-Leg DL + 5 DL (barbell)
2 Rnds ~ 
5 Scap Retractions
5 Kip Swings 
1-3 Strict Pull Ups
30 D/U
Spend 3-5 more minutes warming up shoulders...
Whatever you feel you need for Bar MU...
BAR Muscle Ups
Max Set of Bar Muscle Ups*
*scale to STRICT C2B, Kipping C2B, Strict Pull Ups, Kipping Pull Ups
Gym + DL
OTM x 12 (6 sets):
E = Max STRICT HSPU (in 45s)
O = DL (climbing - sets = 5-5-4-4-3-3)
Record TOTAL # of HSPU & Heaviest 3-Rep DL
Scale HSPU to Strict DB press if needed)
DETENTION (done HERE before)
AMRAP in 12min:
6 DB Push Press (50/35)
9 Deadlift (225/155)
30 D/U
AEROBIC Conditioning 
3 Rnds
60s +12s on 500m
60s +7s on 500m
60s +3s on 500m
60s REST
5 Rnds of 35s Work...25s great pace

C.Drake ~ 5rnds + 15 reps
Tonn ~ 4 (C2B) / 53 (banded HSPU) / 165# DL / ?? (25#DB / 95DL)
Lizzy ~ 6 (kipping) / 53 (20# DB) / 200# DL / ?? (30#DB / 95DL)
Z.Wendt ~ 5 BMU / 36 HSPU / 365# DL / 7rnds + 4 PP...Big PR!!! 
tb ~ 12 BMU / 30 HSPU / 335# DL / 8rnd + 6 PP
HSPU = 7-5-6-5-3-4... Stayed on the 90s mark as long as I could in the WOD...pacing was really good for me!
God is good!!! Give him praise...

Saturday, June 23, 2018


Here we go TEAM!!!

Need a 3-Man problem... Shawn Brehm, Zach Wendt & I will be there!

Had just the right amount today...3 of us!


3 Rnds ~
30s Row + Alt Spidey & Reach
30s Row + Cossack Squats
30s Row + Glute Bridge
30s Row + BB Roll Outs
Snatch-Grip BB Warm-Up
5 DL
5 Dip + Stand
5 Dip + Stand + Shrug
5 Dip + High Pull (Scarecrow)
5 Behind-Neck Strict Press
Strategy & work a bit
ZERO DARK THIRTY (team of 3)
For Time (30m Time-Cap):
3 Rnds ~
30 TTB + 30 Bar Facing Burpees + 30 Snatches (95#/65#)
150/100 Cal Bike
2 Rnds ~
30 TTB + 30 Bar Facing Burpees + 30 Snatches (115#/80#)
150/100 Cal Bike
30 TTB + 30 Bar Facing Burpees + 30 Snatches (135#/95#)

Indy Version = 
3 Rnds ~ 
10 TTB + 10 Bar Facing Burpees + 10 Snatches (95#/65#)
50 Cal Bike
2 Rnds ~ 
10 TTB + 10 Bar Facing Burpees + 10 Snatches (115#/80#)
50 Cal Bike
10 TTB + 10 Bar Facing Burpees + 10 Snatches (135#/95#)

Screw the time-cap...we finished!!!

Brehm-Wendt-biolo ~ 33:25
These guys (Brehm & Wendt) are monsters at Burpees and the Bike... I did all I could to keep my breath as they rotated back and forth and I got to jump in for a bit!!!
In 6 total rounds (180 total burpees) I may have done 40 total burpees...Jeez...
I was able to do more on Snatches, which helped... know it is all about the TEAM and utilizing strengths & weaknesses! This was a great day and WOD!!!
Good Luck to Z.Wendt...he is working on getting up on H2O skis today!!!

Friday, June 22, 2018

Rule #1...

Do not talk about Fight Club!!!

First timer???

Good movie...scary workout!!!

3 Rnds:
60s Light Bike
3 Scap Retractions + 5 Strict Pull Ups
7 Push Ups
9 Air Squats
30s Alt. Sampson Stretch
3 Rnds ~
5 Russian BB Makers
4 Alt. Spidey & Reach (ea)
3 Walkouts
C & J BB Warm Up
2-3 Rnds (increase wt in rnds 2&3...just a little)
5 Good AM's
5 DL
5 Hang Muscle Cleans
3 Strict Press
3 Push Press
3 Push Jerk
C & J Technique
On the 2m x 7:
3-Pos. Clean (Pockets-Knee-Floor)
Push Jerk
Split Jerk
~ Climb to heavy load
(DO NOT exceed 80%)
Set Box just above parallel...
Build to a Heavy 1-Rep
3 Rnds for REPS:
60s @ Each Exercise
Thrusters (95/65)
Power Cleans (95/65)
Box Jump Overs (24/20)
Pull Ups (chin over)
Calorie Bike
60s REST b/t Rnds

Pre-Wod Thoughts...
Lots of strategy here folks...think this one thru! Pacing is far better than going balls-out right away and falling way off...Although, you may fall way off anyway! Leave yourself some gas for the 3rd round!!!
Post-Wod Thoughts...
Keep moving...try to get thru and breath...WOW...everyone has a plan, until you get punched in the face!!!

Syd ~ 135# / xx / 214 Reps
Val ~ 85# / 185# / 184 Reps
Z.Wendt ~ 195# / 425# / 219 Reps
tb ~ 195# / 340# / 229 Reps
#'s Breakdown HERE
May we be holy as You are holy.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Kid...

Here we go again...time to compare and this was NOT a good reminder...
But it does have the History of this Workout...

4 Rnds:
50s Easy (Bike)
10s Hard (Bike)
3 Walkouts
4 Spidey & Reach (ea)
5 Wall Squats
2 Rnds (low intensity)
3 Strict Pull Ups
6 Kip Swings
9 Air Squats
Build to your Front Squat Weight for WOD
2-3 Rnds (increasing in intensity)
2-3 Front Squats
3-5 C2B
20 D/U
(Rest 60-90s b/t Rnds)
3 Rnds For Time:
10 Front Squats*
20 C2B Pull Ups
50 D/U
* Rx=185/135 Master=165/110 Elite=155/105 Fitness=135/95
For Time:
Alt. DB Snatch*
100m Run after each Rnd
Stimulus here is to work the transitions of changing just below the head (while DB is still in air)...Adjust the wt. of the DB accordingly.

Casey ~ 11ish (135# / not all D/U)
tb ~ HK = 9:14 (13 sec off PR) / DB Cycling = 9:14

UNREAL...EXACT same time for both!!!
And I never checked the clock for the DB Cycling...that is crazy!!!
2:40 (10/5-5-5-5/20-30)...hit toe at 20 D/U...good pace with the thought of staying there...rested till 3m mark for rnd two to collect myself...then finished at 5:44 (10/5-6-5-4/50) thought I was a bit faster, but must have been really breathing heavy during the C2B's...was going to wait till 6min to start and the next time I checked the clock after a couple breaths, it was 6:14...yikes...finished at 9:14 (10/6-6-4-4/50)...again, must have really taken more breaths than I realized at the C2B's...thought I might get those last 8 on adrenaline, but I hit 4 after the two 6's and just could not pull...was just out of breath...but this was a  good push for me!!! Especially after the last two days...Workouts feel good...Time for a rest day!
When anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwells in him and he in God.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018


It is nice to have a gauge as to where you are, where you are going, and where you have been...
This is one of those workouts & times...

Let's find out...
Captain Crunch from Sept. 19th HERE

2 Rnds ~
300-500m Easy Row
5 Spidey & Reach (ea)
7 Slow Scap Retractions
9 Abmat Sit Ups
3 Sets ~
1 Wall Walk
1 BB Complex*
BB Complex = 5 DL + 5 Hang Power Cleans + 5 Strict Press
AMRAP in 5min:
Rest 2-3 Min
AMRAP in 5min:
Wall Walks 
*Scale this as needed (Pike Push Ups, Strict DB Shoulder Press, etc)
2-3 Sets working to heavy wt (from Pt #3):
5 DL
3 PJ
10 Cal Row
2m Rest b/t

REST 3-4 Minutes and Begin...

Part #1
In a 4min window:
3 Rnds:
12 DL + 9 Hang Power Cleans + 6 Push Jerks (95/65)
Max Cal Row w/ any time remaining
Part #2
In a 4min window:
2 Rnds:
12 DL + 9 Hang Power Cleans + 6 Push Jerks (135/95)
Max Cal Row w/ any time remaining
Part #3
In a 4min window:
1 Rnds:
12 DL + 9 Hang Power Cleans + 6 Push Jerks (155/105)
Max Cal Row w/ any time remaining

Scaling Options for Weight...Keep the P#3 Wt in mind...what can you Push Jerk effectively???
55-65-80 / 65-80-95 / 75-95-115 / 95-115-135

Casey ~ Captain Crunch (Rx) = 12 Cals / 10 Cals / 27 Cals
Val ~ CC (65-75-80) = 11 Cals / 21 Cals / 30 Cals
Syd ~ CC (75-95-115) = 12 Cals / 28 Cals / 29 Cals
tb ~ HSPU = 18 (5-2-2-2-2-2-1-1-1) / Wall Walks = 16 / 30 Cals / 31 Cals / 45 Cals
I was at 11 HSPU at 2:11...could only muster up 7 more in remaining time...SHEESH!!! That fatigued FAST!!!

Monday, June 18, 2018


New progression in programing...
Just as the name implies...this is going to be a grinder for the remainder of the summer...
Get better at pure work...
We will utilize some of the new-found (or lost) strength from Silverback.
Now we focus on "getting-through"...grin & bear it...grind...whatever you want to call it...
Time to go!!!
Mon ~ Snatch Tech + Squat Stamina + Odd-Object
Tue ~ Gymnastics + Conditioning + Aerobic Capacity
Wed ~ BB Cycling + Conditioning + Midline
Thur ~ REST
Fri ~ Clean & Jerk + Heavy Squat + Conditioning
Sat ~ Long Conditioning + Accesories

3min Rowing (40s easy...20s ramp up the intensity x 3)
3 Rnds (30s ea)
Alt. Sampson Stretch
Glute Bridge
Alt Spidey & Reach
Good AM's
3 Rnds (5 reps each)
Snatch Grip BB Warm Up
Good AM's
Back Squat
Strict Press
Stiff-Leg DL
45# / 45# / 55-65#
Pause OHS
5 x 2 (2s pause at Rock Bottom)
Snatch Balance
5 x 3
Hang Snatch High-Pull
5 x 4
Pause High-Hang Snatch
7 x 1 (2s Pause @ High-Hang Position...DO not use momentum...think Speed under the bar)
Work to Mod. Wt in Pause HH Snatch
OTM x 10m (5 Rnds)
odd = 12/9 Cal Bike
even = 12 Back-Rack BB Reverse Lunge (climb w/ wt.)
3 Rnds (Not for time)
200m Sled Drag
21 Wall Balls (30/20)
21 Wt. Hip Ext (25#)

Val ~ worked thru stuff
Syd ~ worked thru stuff
Z.Wendt ~ Lunges = 135-155-165-175-185
tb ~ 145# Pause HH Snatch / 95-115-135-155-165 / no odd object today...
Merciless is the judgment on the man who has not shown mercy; but mercy triumphs over judgment.

Friday, June 15, 2018



Part of CrossFit is knowing your ability and pushing yourself, BUT not pushing to injury or to the point of slowing down so much you do not get much benefit from the workout.

Know the stimulus you are after...

3 Rnds ~
60s light Bike/Row
3 Scap Retractions + 3-5 Strict Pull Ups
7 HR Push Ups
9 Air Squats
30s Alt. Warrior
2-3 Rnds ~
5 Russian BB
4 Alt. Spidey & Reach (ea side)
3 Inchworms
1 Rnd (Light load)
3 Strict Pull Ups
3 DB Press
3 DB Burpees
3 DB Cleans
3 DB Bench Press
3 DB Lungesteps
3 DB Front Squats
3 DB Bent-Over Row
3 DB Alt. Snatch
3 DB Deadlift
3 DB Thrusters
5 GHD Sit Ups (or Abmat SU)
~ Rest a bit, then do another rnd at heavier wt or workout load
300 (Video HERE)
10 Rnds For Time:
10 DB REPS**
15 GHD Sit Ups*** (or Abmat Sit Ups)
(DB = 70/50)
* Goal on Pull Ups is to stay STRICT...if you DO NOT have strict C2B, then do chin-over...if you have strict C2B but not 5...move to 3's or 2's...We want to work some strength and grip...NOT KIPPING!!!
*** 15 GHD is a lot for anyone...AGAIN...first scale the # if you have GHD, otherwise move to Abmats

**DB Exercises by Rnd:
#1 = DB Press
#2 = DB Burpees (just stand w/ Burpee) 
#3 = DB Cleans
#4=  DB Bench Press
#5 = DB Lungesteps (5 each leg)
#6 = DB Front Squats
#7 = DB Bent-Over Row
#8 = DB Alt. Snatch (5 each arm)
#9 = DB Deadlift
#10= DB Thrusters

Couple of goals/thoughts...once you begin an exercise, ideally the reps will be unbroken...MAYBE with some of the DB items, 1 break, but NEVER 2...Select your DB weights appropriatly...Same with Pull Ups and Sit Ups... Maybe 1 quick break, but not singles!!!

V.Tonn ~ 15#DB / Banded Pull Ups x 5 - chin over ~ Completed
Lizzy K ~ 17:51 (5 x Banded Pull Ups / 25# DB / Abmat)
Z.Wendt ~ 20:07 (3 x Strict C2B / 50# DB / Abmat)
tb ~ 19:45 (50# DB / 10 x GHD Sit Ups)

All of us scaled in this WOD...
I did 1st Rnd of 15 GHD and realized that would be about 3-5 reps too many and scaled back to 10's...made this thing tough, but not agonizingly brutal or S-L-O-W...maintained 10 GHD UB each rnd!!!
In the middle I did 3+2 for Strict C2B, just to catch breath and move...I felt myself holding my breath for 5 reps, then it was tougher to move to the DB exercises... I went a couple Rnds of 3-2 on C2B and was able to jump right into the DB Exercise...
Splits were:
1:15 / 3:55 / 5:46 / 7:55 / 9:40 / 11:52 / 13:41 / 15:50 / 17:40 / 19:45
DB Burpees were the WORST!!!
God, my Lord, is my strength; he makes my feet swift as those of hinds and enables me to go upon the heights.

Thursday, June 14, 2018



3 Rnds ~
60s Bike
30 singles or 20 D/U
5 Push Ups
7 Dowel Passthrus
30s Warrior
2 Rnds ~
30s Russian BB
30s Alt. Sampson
30s Walkouts
Snatch-Grip BB WU
5 Sets of the following Complex
3-Position Power Clean
(High Hang Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + Power Clean)

AMRAP in 15min:
75 D/U
50 Air Squats
15 Power Snatches (115/80)

Casey ~ 17:35 (Kelen Helly - Tuesdays Workout)

Lizzy K ~ 3 Rnds + 150 singles (150s + 65#)
Z. Wendt ~ 3 Rnds + 5 D/U
tb ~ 3 Rnds + 44 D/U
Did on Thursday
Syd ~ 2 Rnds + 75 D/U
V.Tonn ~ 3 Rnds + (150singles / 55#)

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Done Before

Combination of a couple Classics...
Hellen & Kelly...

2 Rnd ~
300-500 Slow Row
5 Spidey & Reach (ea side)
7 Slow Scap Retractions
9 Pike Sit Ups
2-3 Rnds ~
1-2 Strict Pull Ups
1-2 Kipping PU
1-2 TTB
PRIMER (if you like)
200m Slow Jog
10 Air Squats
10 Box Jumps (Step Downs)
10 KBS
60s REST
200m Jog
7 Wall Ball
7 Box Jumps
60s REST
100m RUN (faster pace)
5 Wall Balls
5 Box Jumps
REST 4-6 MIN and Begin...

For Time:
400m Run
30 Box Jumps (24/20)
30 Wall Balls (20/14)
400m Run
30 KB Swings (50/35)
400m Run
30 KB Swings (50/35)
400m Run
30 Box Jumps (24/20)
30 Wall Balls (20/14)

4 Rnds (for work...not time)
2m Slow Bike (Recovery)
2 Bar MU
3 C2B
~ Scale this to what you can Bar MU... do 3 C2B + 3 TTB...
Goal is to do a couple exercises on the bar w/o letting go...

We ran outside...set the whole thing up outside actually...
2 laps around the circle...

A.Johns ~ 22:13
Lizzy K ~ 18:35
Syd ~ 19:03
Val ~ 19:58
tb ~ 18:45
Surrender to God, and He will do everything for you.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Full House...Late Blog...

Sorry for the delay...

1st Day of Summer Vacation!!! Yea, right...for a coach, summer vacation is like theoxymoron, jumbo shrimp...just doesn't make sense... Yup, it is summer...nope, there is no vacation...
7am had 75+ athletes all working out getting after it! Good start, but a long way to go...

6am had the coaches and some newly crowned alumni in for workouts!

Syd, Val, Lizzy K, Z.Wendt (as always)...

3 Min Row (40s easy, 20s harder, building up over the course of the 3min)
3 Rnds (30s at each):
Alt Sampson
Glute Bridge
Alt Spidey & Reach
Good AM's
2-3 Rnds:
(Build in intensity & Wt)
7 Cal Row
6 DL
5 Burpees
4 Push Press
--------------- REST then Get After the WOD------------
AMRAP in 15min:
27/21 Cal Row
21 Deadlift
15 Burpees
9 Push Press
(Rx = 135#/95#)
Stimulus-wise...NEED to pick a weight that you can confidently Push Press 10+ times when fresh...
The idea here is NOT to break on the Push Press...It will be tough, but get thru this...
PLUS, you need to use the same wt for DL!!! It is OK if DL is easy...get 21UB!!!

V.Tonn ~ (65#) ~ 2 Rnds + 1 PP
Syd ~ (95#) ~ 2 Rnds + 15 Burpees
Lizzy ~ (75#) ~ 2 Rnds + 10 Burpees
Z.Wendt ~ 2 Rnds + 1 PP
tb ~ 3 Rnds + 11 Cal

Saturday, June 9, 2018


It's know what that means???

Always an individual version, but Saturdays are great for getting the gang together and getting after it with a TEAM!!! Strengths, Weaknesses, Stratagizing, Talking thinks thru...All great stuff!!!
We learn best when we learn with each other!!!
Debrief after the workouts have become a great time...thought process, breakdowns, evaluations...How can WE improve? Always great questions, comments, suggestions and conversation!!!

If you are not getting better, you are getting worse! There is NO staying the same!
This applies to Life, Faith, Work, Workouts, Strength, Physical Abilities/Capabilities, Mental Abilities/Capabilities, Relationships...EVERYTHING! Think about it...
Surround yourself with people that MAKE YOU BETTER!!!
And realize there ARE people that make you feel worse, or worse yet, want to hold you back!
Move away from that group as fast as you can!

10-15 Minutes ~ SmashweRx (pick what you feel you need to work on)

2 Rnds ~
60s Run
5 Spidey & Reach (ea side)
5 Russian BB Makers
5 Scap Retractions
5 Kip Swings
2 Rnds (w/ increasing intensity)
7 Cal Bike
5 Box Jumps
5 Power Cleans
5 Push Jerks
5 Box Jump Overs
(REST 60-90s b/t)
For Time (30min time-cap):
60/40 Cal Bike
60 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
60 Power Cleans (155/105)
60 Toes to Bar
60 Push Jerks (155/105)
60 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
60/40 Cal Bike
60 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
60 Power Cleans (135/95)
60 Toes to Bar
60 Push Jerks (135/95)
60 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
60/40 Cal Bike
NOTE ~ The weights get lower in the 2nd half to keep the intensity HIGH!!!
Scaling the weights to maintain the intended stimulus/intensity:
1st Half ~ Wt you can CLEAN & JERK 10+ times UNBROKEN when fresh!!!
2nd Half ~ Weight you can CLEAN & JERK 15+ times UNBROKEN when fresh!!!
DO NOT let ego get in the way here! We do not want a strength (quick singles) focus...this should be about pushing thru and maintaining repetitions w/ the team!!!

If you hit the time-cap...your score is 30min + 1 second for every rep you did not complete...
(i.e ~ if you make it to the final round of BJO's and complete 55 have 65 reps to go, so your score is 31:05!)
Individual Version = 20 Reps of everything for TIME

Z.Wendt, S. Brehm & tb ~ 28:08
Great push and teamwork by all today...good communication, great push at various parts by everyone!!! All stayed healthy (no serious injuries)...Remember slow is smooth & smooth is fast...especially on those BJO's!!!
Brehm is a BEAST on BJO's and really hit the 2nd half of this hard...carried us in the Push Jerks as well!!!
Wendt was the biker!!! Just tough as nails on the thing...held him back on 155# for a bit, but he picked up BJO's and Bike ALL thru the WOD!!!
My only saving grace...TTB!!!
Great work everyone!
My mouth shall be filled with Your praise, with Your glory day by day.

Friday, June 8, 2018

More PR's...

Hamstrings & Groin

10 Cal Easy Bike
10 Air Squats
10 Abmats
10 KB DL
10 Cal Mod. Bike
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Superman Rocks
10 BB Front Squats (45#)
10 American KBS
7 Cal FAST Bike
5 Light Load Front Squat
3 Sets (not for time):
15s Front Squat Hold (@ bottom)
6 Single-Leg Box Step-Ups (3 ea not alternate)
3 Sets (climbing):
1 Pausing (2s) Front Squat + 1 Front Squat
Climb to a 1-RM with 6-10 sets
AMRAP in 5min:
KBS (70/50)
Front Squats (135/95)
Calorie Row
~ 5 Min REST ~
AMRAP in 5min:
KBS (70/50)
Front Squats (115/80)
Calorie Row
~ Front Squat should be a wt. that you could confidently get 20 reps when fresh...The goal/stimulus in this WOD is to keep PUSHING...Do not go so hard that you need multiple breaths after one exercise to the next... It will be challenging to complete 1 round (15-12-9) of this triplet!
NOTE that there is a DROP in the Front Squat weight for the 2nd part of this!!!
15's = 45 Reps
12's = 57+69+81
9's = 90+99+108
1 Rnd = 108 Reps

A.Johns ~ 210# FS (PR) / P1=15's + 7cal (76 Reps) / P2=15's + 2cal (71 Reps) (80#FS/35#KBS)
B.Daliege ~ 245# (PR) / P1=15's + 3cal (72 Reps / P2=15's + 8cal (77 Reps) Rx
Z.Wendt ~ 380# (PR) / P1=12's + 3FS (93 Reps) / P2=12's + 1KBS (82 Reps)
tb ~ 255# (Boo!!!) / P1=12's + 5FS (95 Reps) / P2=12's completed (81 Reps)
THAT was some WOD!!! I really wanted to finish one round of that baby in 5min!
AND...Part #2 is NO JOKE...lowered the FS weight just a bit and felt 50# heavier! WOW!!!
In the Sacred Heart every treasure of wisdom and knowledge is hidden.
In that divine Heart beats God's infinite love for everyone, for each one of us individually.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Dead Strong

Mobilize ~ Hamstrings & Thoracic
25-20-15 Cal Bike or Row
After each set:
5 Inchworms
7 BB Press to Stretch (reach behind at top)
9 Superman Rocks
Build to a 1-Rep Max (past May 2018)
3 reps @ 50%
3 reps @ 60%
3 reps @ 65%
2 reps @ 70%
2 reps @ 75%
2 reps @ 85%
1 rep till you get to HEAVY or new Max!!!
5 x 5 (70% - 75% - 80% - Build to Heavy set of 5 for final 2 sets)
Every 4:00 begin the following:
100' Lungewalk
15 Deadlifts (185#/135#)
15/12 Cal Bike
Remaining time is REST...
4 Rnds of this...(so begin at 0, 4, 8, & 12)
SLOWEST RND is OFFICIAL SCORE (but check your time each rnd!)

Should push the bike a bit more than you think...
DL...the Weight you use should be one you are confident you could do 15 UB when fresh...
UB is not a bad stratagy, but can cost you the extra push on the 3-breath break in DL can help you to be able to sustain a sprint on the bike (as I found out today)...Fastest times were when I did breakup the DL, then could push the bike 15s-20s faster!!!

Shawna P ~ newbie so she worked on tech & made 1 Rnd of the workout
A.Johns ~ 135# PP / 205# DL / 3:20 - 3:25 - 3:45 - 3:58 (Rx)
Daliege ~ 190#PP / XX / 2:25 - 2:27 - 2:37 - 2:26 (Rx)
Z.Wendt ~ 190# PP / 335# DL / 2:00 - 2:05 - 2:10 - 2:30 (Rx)
tb ~ 205# PP / 335# DL / 2:08 - 2:03 - 2:05 - 2:02 (Rx)
15 UB DL on Rnd #1 & #3... 12+3 singles on Rnd #2&#4, and could definitely feel the difference on the bike...It burned either way, but had breath and could keep going when I broke the DL...
BTW...DL at 335# BIG for as bad as the squat was on Monday, the PP & DL were up...So that is a positive! Also great to see Autumn Johns getting better...she is a rockstar on these workouts!
At all times bless the Lord God, and ask Him to make all your paths straight and grant success to all your endeavors and plans.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

That was quick...

3min - 2min - 1min Bike
b/t rnds on bike:
3 Scap Retractions
5 HR Push Ups
7 Alt DB Snatch (light)
9 Abmat Sit Ups
12 Hip Extensions
#1) STRICT HSPU (modify/scale as needed)

#2) STRICT Pull Ups
Max Reps at STRICT Pull Ups

AMRAP in 18min:
200m Run
16/12 Cal Row
12 C2B Pull Ups
8 Alt. DB Snatch (70/50)

This is meant to get dont let that fool you...after the 200m run it is PULL(row) - PULL(C2B) - PULL(Snatch)...
Break the pull ups even if you feel you don't need to...unless you feel you will go thru the entire WOD w/o breaking...otherwise, envision your 3rd round, and start like that...
Slow is SMOOTH & Smooth is FAST!!! Remember that...

Daliege ~ 20 w/ knees on 30" box / 12 Strict / 4 Rnds + 175m run
A.Johns ~ 12 w/ knees on 30" / 5 mod w/ feet up / 4 Rnds (35#)
Stan ~ XX / XX / 4 Rnds + 16cal Row (40#)
tb ~ 6 HSPU (+2 PR) / 22 Pull Ups (+2 PR) / 4 Rnds + 200m Run
Pull Ups = 7-5 / 4-4-4 / 6-3-3 / 5-4-3 ... 4's or 5-4-3 was best...could do all the snatches in a row!
Snatch = 4-4 / 8 / 6-2 / 8... was all how I came off Pull Ups!!!


2-3min Run
1 Rnd Strict Cindy
3 Rnds:
30s Superman Rocks
30s Hollow Rocks
30s Alt Sampson Stretch
30s Alt Spidey & Reach
Work to a Heavy 1-Rep (Wave style)
5-4-3-2-1 for climbing for warm-up
then...1-1-1 / 1-1-1 / 1-1-1
Just climb to a Heavy 1-Rep today...if Max, Great...if not, this is just a "testing" point to see where you are...
8 Sets (Not for time, FORM & weight)
1 Clean Pull
1 Hang Squat Clean
1 Low-Hang Squat Clean

A.Johns ~ 225# Squat / no cleans
Z. Wendt ~ 405# Squat / ?? Clean Complex
T. Wendt ~ 335# Squat / ??Clean Complex
tb ~ 285# Squat...missed at 295#...(1 year ago...I was at 380# BS!!!)
5-1 = 205-225-235-245-265 / 265-275-285 / 275-285-295(miss)...done...

Saturday, June 2, 2018


Workout today was with Rope Climbs, but LHS is set for Graduation on NO ROPE...
Subbed 30 C2B vs 5 rope climbs...

Peanut on Thoracic + Buss Driver
2 Rnds ~
100m Run
3 Strict Pull Ups
5 Spidey & Reach each side
7 Slow Air Squats
100m Run
3 Strict Pull Ups
5 Warriors
7 Slow Air Squats
1/2 Snatch Grip BB WU
1st Rnd = Good AM, Back Squats, Elbows
2nd Rnd = Sotts Press, Stiff-Leg DL, OHS

Power Snatch Warm Up
2-3 Sets of:
3-2-1 as quickly as you can change some weight...
Increase wt. each time
90s rest b/t

For Time:
50/35 Cal Row
800m Run
30 Power Snatches (115/80)
800m Run
5 Rope Climbs (Subbed = 30 C2B)

C.Drake ~ 16:04 (@95#)
S.Brehm ~ 19:03 (80#)
tb ~ 19:28

Brehm did this on his own at home from my text...awsome work!
I was with Casey at 6am...thought I might get ahead of him on the rower a bit...I DID...a whole 3 second! CRAP!!! That guy can run...
O Lord, do not hide your face from me; lift away from me the weight of Your hand, and let not the fear of you terrify me.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Feelin' It...

Who's still feeling the residual effects of MURPH???
I am...revovery helps, but that WOD really puts you out.
You know you have worked out when you do MURPH, especially when you TRY at it!!!

Mobilize / SmashweRx
OTM x 12min:
40s Easy Bike
40s Spidey & Reach
40s Easy Bike
40s Alt. Sampson Stretch
40s Easy Bike
40s Wall Squats
BB Warm-Up
3 x 10 (73% 1RM)
3 x 3 (80% 1RM)
7 Rnds ~
Every 3 min begin:
9/6 Cal Bike
6 Burpees over bag
100m (10x10, 5x20, 4x25,2x50) Ruckbag Run (50/35)
~ Sub a 50# KB, 45# Plate for bag...

3 Supersets:
GHD Supine Hold
Side Plank (Rt)
Side Plank (Lft)
1st set ~ 60s Hold each
2nd set ~ 45s Hold each
3rd set ~ 30s Hold each

Casey ~ 1:40-1:45 per rnds but he did a 45# Plate carry for 10x10...way tougher!!!
Z.Wendt ~ 265# BS / 265# FS / 1:35-1:40 per rnd on the 3min for 7 Rnds (50#KB)
tb ~ 225# BS / 225# FS / 1:40-1:45 per rnd on the 3min for 7 Rnds (50#KB 2x50)
Praise the Lord for His goodness...