It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Monday, July 23, 2018


All-Star week was an amazing experience...
I liked it, BUT really appreciate my routine...
This was busy, busy, busy and not getting the time for some of the things that I routinely do, really makes a difference...
For Starters...I like to be in bed by 9pm...early AM's is the way I like to start the day...
We had "coaching clinics" (& very great bonding time) till at least 11:30pm everynight...some even made it to 1-2am ;-)

We all have some (or should) non-negotiables within our day that we rarely give up...
This was one of those weeks where I had to...
It does make you appreciate the routine...

Well...Back at it...

2-3 Rnds (low intensity...walk-talk pace)
15 Cal Row/Bice + 5 Alt. Spidey & Reach
12 Cal Row/Bike + 5 Walkouts
9 Cal Row/Bike + Cindy
3 Sets:
5 Wall Squats
15 Banded Good AM
20 Abmat Sit Ups
10min Build to Heavy 1-Rep OHS
5min ~ Work ~ 3reps ~ Snatch Drop (work to mod weight)
5min ~ Work ~ 3reps ~ Snatch Balance (work to mod weight)
OTM x 11min (increase from last week...HERE)
1 = 5 reps
2 = 3 reps
3 = 1 rep
4 = REST
(again...increase from last week...above)
12 Reps
2min Rest
12 Reps

A.Johns ~ 115# OHS / practice / Practice / 135#-145#-150# / 95#-95#
Z.Wendt ~ 235# / 115# / 135# / 295-315-335 / 135-145
tb ~ 205# OHS / 115# / 135# / 235-265-285 / 135-145
All praise and glory be to God!

1 comment:

  1. WELCOME BACK t.b.
    I did Comptrain open workout today. Late morning w/o.
    sb - HPC = 135# X 3 (pr)
    PP = 125# x 6 (pr)
    BS = 185# x 10 (pr)
    FOUL BALL = 24:39
    3 RFT of:
    800 meter run (4:15/4:00/3:50)
    30 cal row (1:47/1:40/1:37)
    30 alt. DB snatch @ 35#
