It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Monday, July 2, 2018


ANOTHER new Benchmark WOD from CompTrain...

Watch it performed HERE

Special treat today...Tyler Wendt was back in town for a WOD...
Of course this type of a WOD would come up...He is a machine...
It was fun to see Little Bro & Big Bro go after it!!!

2 Rnds (Walkthru Pace)
15 Cal Row/Bike + 5 Spidey & Reach
12 Cal Row/Bike + 5 Walkouts
9 Cal Row/Bike + 5 Good AM's + 5 Stiff-Leg DL + 5 DL
2 Rnds:
5 Scap Retractions + 5 Kip Swings + 1-2 Strict Pull Ups
5 BB Power Snatches
5 BB Clean & Jerks
5 BB Thrusters
(empty BB)
5min for Specific Warm-Up for Ring MU, Bar MU or C2B...
For Time (20min Time Cap):
30 Power Snatches
10 Ring MU*
30 Clean & Jerks
10 Ring MU*
30 Thrusters
10 Ring MU*
Wt = 135#/95# (DO NOT switch Wt by exercise...use same wt. across all 3!)
*#1 Option...scale down the # of Ring MU (eg ~ 5 per rnd)
#2 option...scale to Bar MU or lower # BME
#3 Option...scale to C2B Pull Ups (20 each Rnd)
IF you DO NOT FINISH, your official time is 20min + the # of reps you have left to complete!

Oz ~ Participation Ribbon...
C.Drake ~ 14:18 (95# / 10 Bar MU...then 20 C2B for #2&#3)
Syd ~ 14:39 (95# / 20 Pull Ups)
V.Tonn ~ 13:58 (65# / 20 Pull Ups)
Lizzy ~ 16:32 (75# / 20 Pull Ups)
T.Wendt ~ 18:00 (Rx)
Z.Wendt ~ 18:47 (115# / 5 Bar MU)
tb ~ 20:15 (official) 25/30 Thrusters completed!
Singles for Snatches ~ completed at 3:30 / 3-3-2-2 for Ring MU...Completed at 6m mark (started at 4:15...1:45) / Singles for C&J ~ completed at 11:30 (ouch...started at 6:30, so a full 5m to complete 30 C&J...terrible!!!) / 3-3-3-1 for Ring MU...completed at 15m (started at 12:30, so 2:30 to get the #2 rnd in)...6-6-4-4-5 for Thrusters...THAT WAS A STRUGGLE!!! WOW!!!
Lead me Lord, in Your justice, b/c of those who lie in wait; make clear Your way before me.


  1. I hope your shoulder is at least doing better. Remember what was said last Tuesday for Humility. Some days you get PR's, others you feel like you fail miserably. This is called LIFE. Get use to it, rebound, stay focused and positive and keep bringing your best effort t.b. Our strength comes from above. Some days are better than others. #TEAM

    7-1-18 sb - Kelly for time: = 27:24 (24" b.j. / 16# w.b.)

  2. You got it... I never let the highs get too high, or my lows get too low... After all...Being able to even LIFT and workout like this is a GIFT that has been given by someone far greater than me... IF/When that goes away, it will be His doing, and I will live with it, because He is God & I am not!
    Good luck today...great time for KELLY!!! #TEAM

  3. sb - 19:29 (C2B - 95#)
    C2B = 6-4-5-5 / 5-5-5-5 / 5-5-5-5
    Singles for Snatches
    C&J = 5 - then singles
    Thrusters = 8-7-5-5-5
    Riped both hands on first set of C2B. Fought through it though. Thank you for reminding me that working out is a gift. What you just said really hit home. Thank you. #TEAM
