Looking forward to a REST day after this!
I like the programing after 3 days... Let's hope the next month goes this well too!!!
Mobilize (GO WOD)
Squat/CNS Prep
3-5 Air Squats w/ some time spent in bottom position
3-4 Single leg Stand-Ups (I like these / 90-90 lunge position and stand-up)
3 Cassock Squats
2 x 10' Down and back Zig-Zag Walk (monster walk) w/ Bands
BBWU & Clean WU Progression
A) Hang Squat Clean (Low-Hang / below knees)
3 Reps EMOM x 6min (75% 1RM HSC)
B1) FRONT SQUAT 5 Reps (80%), 30s Rest
B2) SQUAT CLEAN 3 Reps (85%)
For Time:
60 Wall Balls (20/14)
3 Minute REST
40 OHS (95/65)
3 Minute REST
20 Thrusters (135/95)
*20m Cap
Take as large of chunks as you can, really work on the large sets...you have the MANDATORY 3m Rest after each of these
10m Mobilize / Stretch after
ENGINE (later in AM)
10m Assault Bike
10 Rnds:
15s Assault Bike at 100% Sustainable Speed (Fast, but a pace you can control/hold)
60s Slow Spin Recover
10m Assault Bike Recovery
Stan ~ XX/XX/XX/ 13:11 / WB = 2:46 (30-??) / 2:19 (FS) / Thr (95#) = 2:02
Daliege ~ 95-145 / 185 FS & 165 SC / 14:32
WB = 2:19 (35-25) / OHS (75) = 3:10 / Thr (115#) = 3:03 (5-5-6-4)
tb ~ 175# / 225# & 195# / 14:26
WB = 3:07 (34-6-10-10) / OHS = 2:06 (UB) / Thr = 3:13 (6-5-3-6)
tb engine ~ 10 Rnd Stats = Ave (MAX)
MPH = 31.0 (34.2)
RPM = 83 (92)
WATTS = 591 (796)
Dist = 4.09 miles
Time = 12:30
Calories = 130
Custom program for 15s Work + 60s Rest for 10 rnds...worked great!!!
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