It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Good Day Mate!

Started with some Gymnastic Work, then hit this with Val & Mitch...

Gym SkillZ
AMRAP in 7m (for Practice):
5 C2B Pull Ups
10' HS Walking
5 Strict TTB
10' HS Walking
GYM Conditioning
AMRAP in 90s:
12 Bar-Facing Burpees + Max Ring MU
60 seconds Rest
9 Bar-Facing Burpees + Max Ring MU
60 seconds Rest
6 Bar-Facing Burpees + Max Ring MU
2 Mintues REST & Repeat w/ Bar MU!!!
For Time:
800m Run
60/40 Cal Bike
40 TTB
200m Run w/ Med-ball / D-Ball / Rucksack / some type of wt.
40 Step-Ups w/ wt from above (24/20)
60/40 Cal Bike
800m Run

Val ~ XX / XX / 33:??
Mitch ~ XX / XX / 34:07
tb ~ 2 Rnds...fell about 3-4 times on HSW...2-3 "walks" / 
Ring MU = 3+1 / 3+3 / 3+2+1 // Bar MU = 4 / 4+2 / 3+3+2 ... man did I tire out on rings FAST!
34:05 ~ Breakdown below...
Run #1 = 4:28 (w/ mask on)
Bike #1 = 5:42 (w/mask on)
TTB = 25 + 15 (w/ mask on)
Took mask off... 200m w/ 50# D-Ball
40 step ups = 10 - 15 - 14 - 1 (ball dropped on last one...SOB!!!)
Bike #2 = 6:18 (no mask)
Run #2 = 5:07 (no mask, about 6-8 Run-Walks)

1 comment:

  1. 4 rnds (15' hs walk)
    *RM = 6-9-13 / 10-12-15
    *heels on ground, garage not tall enough
    Goodie Bag = 23:19
    Runs = 3:55 & 3:34
    40 cal bike = 3:36 & 3:24
    *had to run down stairs to bike
    T2B = 15-15-10
    50# wreck bag run
    20" step up with wreck bag = UB
