It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Friday, March 12, 2021

Its here...21.1

It is here! CF OPEN 21.1...

One time tested exercise and one "New" exercise...
New to the CF Open, but not to AnythingOnce members...
These babies have been a part of our "12 Days of Christmas" WOD in 2012, 2013, 2016, 2017, 2018!!!
AnythingOnce has been ahead of it's time...
We called them Wall Crawls rather than Wall Walks...

Here you go...

CrossFit Open 21.1
For Time (or Reps at the Cap):
1 Wall Walk
10 D/U
3 Wall Walks
30 D/U
6 Wall Walks
60 D/U
9 Wall Walks
90 D/U
15 Wall Walks
150 D/U
21 Wall Walks
210 D/U
Wall Walks ~ 5' Bear Crawl
D/U ~ Speed Steps / Line Hops / Jumping Jax

Pyan ~ (BC & S/S) ~ 374 Reps (thru 15 Rnds) / 14:55 tie break time
Ladick ~ (Rx) ~ 215 (6 Wall Walks on Rnd of 15 / 
Brehm ~ (Rx) ~ 331 Reps (107 D/U on Rnd of 150) /  8:11 Tie break time
SB's Breakdown ( - = toe hit / / = planned break):
1 + 10 @ 19s
3 WW @ 48s / 18-29-30 @ 1:25
6 WW @ 2:20 / 5-13-30/45/60 @ 3:46
9 WW @ 5:21 / 11-12-14-16-26-28-40/50/60/70/80/90 @ 8:14
15 WW @ 11:16 / 12-15-17-18-20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/-98-100/101-107 @ 15:00
tb ~ (Rx) ~ 348 Reps (124 D/U on Rnd of 150) / 8:03 Tie-break time
tb's Breakdown
1 + 10 @ 24s
3 WW @ 57s / 30 @ 1:25
6 WW @ 2:53 / 60 @ 3:46
9 WW @ 6:18 / 40/30/20 @ 8:04
15 WW @ 13:04 / 67*/74-94/124
*thought I had less than 60s so was trying to go a bunch Unbroken to the 67

Brehm came out of WW ahead & I would "catch" on D/U's... 
Look at those Tie-Break times after Rnd 3 & 6...then Rnd 9 is ONLY 10s apart!!!
Keep in mind we did these separatly, NOT side-by-side!!!
This was an awesome 1st WOD of the season... NOT looking forward to re-testing & looking forward to re-testing all at the same time!!!
Mixed Emotions!!!

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