It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Spring Break...

Well...looks like I forgot to post about the Friday WOD...
Here it is...

CrossFit OPEN 21.3 & 21.4... Nice little finale of a workout...

For Time:
15 Front Squats (95#/65#)
30 Toes 2 Bar
15 Thrusters (95#/65#)
~ 60s REST ~ 
15 Front Squats (95#/65#)
30 Chest 2 Bar Pull Ups
15 Thrusters (95#/65#)
~ 60s REST ~ 
15 Front Squats (95#/65#)
30 Bar Muscle Ups
15 Thrusters (95#/65#)
(15m TimeCap)

Complete the following for MAX load:
1 Deadlift
1 Clean
1 Hang Clean
1 Jerk
(7m Time Cap)
*time for this begins immediately after the completion of 21.3!

Elise Moon ~ 135 Reps (12:04 tiebreak) / 110# Complex (missed 120#)
Erin Moon (big sis) ~ 135 Reps (?? tiebreak) / 155# Complex (I think...)
Pyan, Ladick, Daliege all did this one modified...
Z.Wendt ~ 161 Reps (26 BMU) / 245#
S.Brehm ~ 151 Reps (16 BMU) / 155# (PR!)
tb ~ 149 Reps (14 BMU) / 220#

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