21.1 will be announced on Thursday Night...
Then we go...
Groups running thru the WOD (or WOD's) on Friday & re-test on Monday (or Sunday for some of us).
Thursdays are REST DAYS!
Warm-Up / Activate / Mobilize
Banded Hip Opener (Perfect Stretch) x 60s ea side
Butterfly Pulses x 30s
Hawaiian Squats x 5 ea leg
2m Bike
3-5 x Reps of Over-Under (ea way)
90s Bike
10 x Front Squats w/ BB
60s Bike
5 x Sotts Press w/ BB (or PVC)
(NOSE BREATH throughout this!!!)
EMOM x 20m (5 Rnds):
1= Max Cal Bike
2 = 10-12 TTB
3 = Max Cal Row
4 = 15 D/U + 8 Burpees to 6" target
*Adjust/Scale any #'s you need, but be on the bike/rower when the beeper goes off so you can get the most out of your Bike/Row...
SNATCH* (was suppose to be BEFORE the EMOM, but I did it after...not as good!)
EMOM x 8 (8m):
1-2 @ 45-55%
3-4 @ 55-65%
5-6 @ 65-75%
7-8 @ 75-85%
Directly into...
Every 2m x 4 (8m)
9-10 @ 85-90%
11-12 @ 90+
Optional Additional Session ~ ENGINE WORK
For Individual Times (6 Rnds):
10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24")
20 Cal Bike
90s Rest b/t Rnds
Pyan ~ 21/19 - 2/14 - 11/13 (had to go) ~ 80 Calories
Ladick ~ 17/19 - 10/16 - 12/17 - 11/19 (had to go) ~ 121 Calories
Smalls ~ 16/16 - 16/10 - 12/8 (had to go) ~ 78 Calories
Daliege ~ ??/?? - 14/?? - 12/15 - 15/14 - 16/14 ~ Lots of Calories!!!
tb ~ 19/21 - 9/20 - 12/17 - 11/20 - 11/15 ~ 155 Calories / 95-115-130-145-155-165-175-185-185-190-175-190 /
Engine Work (Time / Bike Time):
2:34 (2:34 / 1:34)
4:04-6:32 (2:28 / 1:25)
8:02-10:21 (2:19 / 1:29)
11:51-14:10 (2:19 / 1:31)
15:40-18:28 (2:48 / 1:39)
19:58-22:21 (2:23 / 1:17)
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